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v3, Chapter 35

Café Development
After the clothing store succeeded, the next thing I wanted to focus on was a restaurant, especially a café, because I wanted to popularize black tea.

Coffee is popular among men, especially in the upper class.
Women, especially Royalty from other countries, enjoy tea, but there were not many stores specializing in tea because of the lack of improvement in tea leaves.

"If we are going to open a black tea specialty store, we can't compromise on sweets."

"Lady Eliana, I'm counting on you."

When it came to the café, Lady Eliana was the only one they could rely on.

"Lady Marie is… me.”

"Uh... umm."

For some reason, I was greeted with a radiant smile.
I thought I should be the one to thank them, but since all the Duke's household servants were smiling, I decided not to mention it.

A week later, with Lady Oriana's help, we were able to procure high-quality tea sets.

"This one is from Baisen, and this one is from Orange Dead..."

It was so high-class that I felt dizzy.
After all, everything was high-end products used by the Royal family.

"It might be a bit modest, but the silverware will surely surprise the customers, right?"

"Yes, at least I think pure gold forks and spoons would have been better."

I forgot.
The two of them were Royalty, so they should be using the highest quality.

I had overlooked that.

"They will appreciate your thoughts."

"But I've never seen glass teacups before."

"Herb tea changes color, so these are better."

I'm sorry.
Glass teacups are cheaper.
When my Father was expelled from the Ranford territory, he accompanied a guild that had a glass artisan.

He was called the god of glass artisans in our territory, and glassware was a specialty of the territory.
He used to make glassware and cups, and he made a tea set for my birthday.

"Lady Marie, you are an excellent herbalist. It's a wonderful blend."

"Thank you."

Actually, I learned about herbs to avoid getting sick.

There were times when I was thrown outside without warm clothes in the winter, and learning about herbs was necessary for survival.

Yeah, the hardships of my childhood are still useful as an adult.

"Your knowledge is even more surprising than the herbalists in the Capital. Please teach me too."

"Ha... haha."

I can't say it.
I can't embarrassingly admit that I used the herbs I had to eat because I couldn't afford food inside the mansion.

Despite my wry smile, the plan progressed steadily with the addition of herbal tea to the menu.

"Lady Marie, do herbal teas have any effects on promoting sleep?"

"Yes, they do, but..."

"In that case, I have a favor to ask."

I didn't expect another event to happen because of Lady Oriana's request.


v3, Chapter 36

The Duchess's Thoughts
Eliana’s Point of View
The fall collection was a huge success, and the dresses I designed were well-received by many women.

"Eliana, they were also a hit in high society. Even with the foreign Royalty at the recent dinner party."

"Lady Marie was the one who designed and tailored the clothes."

It was Lady Marie's meticulous care that brought the outfits to this level of perfection.

"Design alone wouldn't have been enough. She also considered the materials and what the wearer's heart desired."

I couldn't have thought this far.
To understand the wearer's feelings to this extent.

After all, I was just a sheltered child.
As someone who led a sheltered life, I couldn't do anything on my own.

"Would you like a refill?"

"Yes, Madam."

"You have been eating a lot lately."

"Oh my... I suppose so."

My appetite had returned, and I had not only a refill of tea but also overindulged in scones.

"No, it's fine. If you can eat more, that's a good thing."

"Lately, the meals have been delicious... and the dresses are getting a little tight."

I have to control my eating.

"Lately, I have been able to sleep peacefully at night as well.”

"I see..."

I had been afraid of sleeping for a long time.
My husband was busy and often away from the mansion.

When I slept alone at night, I would hear voices.
Voices that blamed me, voices I had heard at night since I was a child.

The voices of blame I heard up until now.
But recently, I hadn't heard them anymore.

"It’s all thanks to Lady Marie."

"I see..."

I owe my growing recognition in high society to Lady Marie.
With no friends and all alone, Lady Marie spoke kindly to me and helped me overcome the challenges of raising Elysion, giving me advice and guidance.

I couldn't protect my beloved son while remaining weak.
With Lady Marie's help, I was able to take a step forward.

Lady Marie took me outside when I couldn't go out.

"If it weren't for Lady Marie, I don't know if I could have given birth to Elysion. No, if Lord Diaz hadn't been there, I would..."

"Eliana, I'm sorry."

I was saved by Lord Diaz' kindness when he reached out to me during his voyage.
I owe both of them an immeasurable debt.

"At your request, I investigated that family."

"Did you find out anything?"

"More than I had imagined. That despicable pair."

There's not much I can do.
But there are things I can do using the position of the Royal family.

"I will do whatever it takes."


"I won't allow anyone to hurt Lady Marie."

I may be weak or underestimated.
But I won't forgive anyone who insults and hurts her.

"That woman is causing trouble in the countryside."

"I have already taken precautions."

I must protect Lady Marie at all costs!


v4, Chapter 1

The department store plan was a great success.
We targeted people who did not come to the department store with café, takeouts and delivery services.

We also provided a place to look after small children while shopping.
All employees were women, and the meticulous service unique to women was appreciated by many customers.
The company also donated more than half of the proceeds to the government, and was able to send necessary supplies in addition to money to the territory where it grew food, tea, and coffee beans.

There are very few places for women to work in the across the territories to the high male-dominated society.
Although they have great skills, the disparity is still an important issue.

Older women who cannot find work are especially troubled.
However, older women who have finished raising their children have various experiences and abundant knowledge, so they were able to become specialized advisers at the department store.

"The revenue is also doing well."

"Yes, and the labor costs are lower than I expected."

"We can use that money to increase wages."

We can keep employees for as long a period as possible.
At the Poulette Company, we also created a work-friendly system for women, which led to an increase in the number of people who wanted to work, instead of quitting to work.

"So, I'm okay now."


"Henry, I'm okay now."

I had been worrying Henry for a long time.
But now, I have to be able to support Henry.

"You have had the servants investigate something for the past few days, haven't you? Mother was also concerned about the mail, right?"

"You knew?"

"Even so, I am your wife."

I'm still far from reliable, but I know that Henry was doing everything to protect me.

Even in the recent incident, he acted proactively.

"Marie, I don't want you to be hurt anymore."

"I won't get hurt anymore."

"But they will try to block your path. That's why I stayed silent... But it doesn't mean I don't trust you."

"I understand."

Reprimanding Mother is also to protect her from factions that oppose her in high society.
I've come to understand that now.

Going too far ahead, like Mother, can be dangerous.

But it's different now.

"This is…”

“It’s a letter from the Ranford family."

"I've been receiving them frequently for the past two weeks."

Handwritten letters.
You can tell they were written hastily in messy handwriting.

"The Ranford had their titles, estates, and possessions confiscated after your aunt took over.”


"Mrs. Dania and Shepherd caused a problem. They never had any right of succession to begin with."

I don’t know what happened after we left the territory.
But we had a distant relationship with Auntie, and things soured after Grandfather passed away.

"It's going to be a long story... Is that okay?"


I need to know as well.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/90126125 


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