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Rinka and the “Protectors of the Amethyst”
Rinka’s Point of View
Lately, I've been accompanying the "Protectors of the Amethyst" for somewhat of a strength test. By the way, when I went with Geraldin-san, we almost died on the Crazy Hard Mode. It was Spartan, and I seriously thought I was going to die. Then Gods and the Spirit Kings showed up, and it became an even bigger disaster...

Compared to that… these guys are honestly easier. Well, some argue that the comparison is too negative, but they're also beneficial for each other because there are few who can use magic without Ernst... Erurun.

"Where are we going today?"

"Today, um~ where was it?"

Basically, Mary-chan doesn't listen to people, so this kind of information isn't reliable.

"Today, we're going to the Yamiyami Ruins. It's an A-rank ruin, but Rinka, are you okay?"

"Yamiyami, huh? I'll be fine. Watch out for illusions because there are a lot of Dark-element attacks. Resistance accessories are a must!"

"Where did you get that knowledge from?"


Since saying it's from a game probably won't make sense, I've just chalked it up to receiving cheat-like information from God.

"Oh, there's a trap there. I think there's a hidden room over there..."

"Why do you really know things like that?"

As for traps, it's divine Revelation. There's a skill called "Ultimate Trapsmith." I will get rusty without divine Revelations. It's good training.

While saying this, I disarmed the traps. Because they were guarding me, I could focus on disarming. The more you do it, the faster you get at disarming, and lately, when I have free time, I've been opening training treasure chests. By the way, this divine Revelation eliminates trap disarming failures, lets you sense traps when you approach them, and guarantees 100% success in disarming traps. Did they mistake traps for weapons?

"I feel like I'm cheating somehow..."


"It’s good it’s easy.”


Jend and Nex seemed unsatisfied, maybe because they're serious. Orurun (referring to Ordo) and Mary-chan didn’t seem to care.

“Rinka! It's a monster!"

The monster that appeared was, I think, a Yandere Snake? Wait, dark in that kind of meaning? A twisted type?? It’s eyes do look a bit off...!

It was a one-hit kill.

Who did it, you ask?

"Master, are you safe?"

"Master, we defeated it!"

"Master, are you hurt?"

"We'll protect you, Master."

"We won't let anyone lay a finger on the Master!"

It's the overprotective and possibly bored Spirit Kings! By the way, they spoke in the order of Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, and Greenery.

"Oh, thank you."

It was a complete overkill. I managed to say it with a strained smile.

"You guys, Rinka is accompanying us for training as well. You're too overprotective, and it's not helping with Rinka's training. Go back."

In response to Orurun’s point, the Spirit Kings were shocked and frozen.

"Well... it's true that I want to be able to fight properly in case something happens in a place where you all can't come. But I appreciate your feelings!"


I somehow got them to leave. They were trying to protect me, and I felt somewhat sorry.


That's definitely... Restraining-Binding Grizzly, right? This counts as the power of darkness, I suppose? Those handcuffs and chains look vivid! I can feel their determination not to let go once they catch someone!

I decided to stick to support, partly because of the power difference.

"Swift as the wind!"

I used my support magic to accelerate Jend.


"It's so easy."



Jend, enhanced by my support magic, was unstoppable... Wait, something's not right.

"Oh, Wall!"

"Thanks, Rinka! Haaah!"

I quickly deployed a barrier because Jend was about to be hit.

"... Orurun."


"I haven't really done anything, have I?"

"You just put up a barrier, no? That's life."

"It was a big barrier, but it's not really helping with my training!!"

In the end, the monsters were completely wiped out thanks to Jend's unstoppable rampage with the support magic. Spirit Kings, couldn't you have stayed?

Feeling endless guilt, I called the Spirit Kings later and treated them to a super delicious sweet potato dish Rin Neechan made. Orurun and Mary-chan quietly enjoyed it too.

Everyone seemed incredibly pleased. Jend and Nex initially sulked because they missed out on the sweet potato, but they understood when I made it again.

"... That's what happened."

Lately, it's become a daily routine to talk to Lavi-kun about everything that happened each day. Fun things, troublesome things... Lavi-kun always listens to my stories.



"... Can I have some too? Can I have some too, the sweet potato? I want to eat it."

He asked with a bashful expression and lowered his eyes, making a request!

"Of course, there's some. Here, say ahh~"

"............ Huh?"

Lavi-kun, who is currently inhabiting the body of a squirrel, froze.

"Say ahh~!"

"A... ahh~..."

Lavi-kun munched on the sweet potato.

"Is it delicious?"

"Because of you, I can't really taste the flavor..."

Lavi-kun muttered, blushing... Ahh, so cute!! In fact, I was the one who felt like I won the lottery!!

"Then, let's do more ahh's!"

"Huh!? Wait! Isn’t there something weird going on?!"

"It's just your imagination. Fufufu... ahh~"

Blushing and teary-eyed, Lavi-kun... Well, that's understandable. It's too cute! I managed to make Lavi-kun eat the sweet potato forcefully through more "ahh's"!

Despite everything that happened today, it was a fun day.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/90057412 


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