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And the Goddess (lol) with her head in her hands.
While taking a break with Dirk, a communication came in from Kanata-san. When a communication comes in from Kanata-san, somehow... the ringtone somehow presents itself as a horror-like background music.

"The music sounds kinda scary, doesn’t it? Are you not going to answer?"

"... I don't want to answer."

However, I couldn't just not answer, so I reluctantly decided to pick up. I casually sat on Dirk's lap to relieve some stress. Dirk, while blushing, started stroking my hair. Heaven was right here! After relaxing a bit, I activated the magic tool.

"... Kanata-san, has there been any development since then?"

"... There has."

Well, of course. I have a pretty good idea what it might be about.

"I can't imagine it being anything good."

"... The muscles, they've recovered."

"That's good news."

"Yeah, thanks to you."

Yes... so the muscles 'have' healed. The cause has been eliminated. However, it seems a new problem has arisen. When using Aldin-sama's magic power, he somehow underwent class-change into Golden Shining☆Shiva.

But well, at least the drills got fixed. Mixing too many things might make it worse, so I decided to take it positively. You could also say that I've given up.

However, Kanata-san said something completely different from what I had been thinking.

"Rosarin-chan, long eyelashes, almond-shaped beauty, great body, and what comes to mind with purple eyes?"

"Excuse me?"

What's this, a riddle?

"Rosarin-chan, you have long eyelashes and almond-shaped eyes."


"A great body, right?"

"... Yes. Dirk helped me grow into it."

The chest cushion is my proud masterpiece. It grew well. Dirk was blushing intensely. When I intentionally pressed my chest against him, he got all flustered. He's so cute!

"... Let's ignore the lolicon suspicion placed on Dirk-kun. Rosarin-chan, the color of your eyes is purple, right?"

"Dirk isn't a lolicon. He just responds only to me... Yes, that's right. I have purple eyes."

Dirk seemed like he was about to cry, but he desperately nodded along with my explanation. He's adorable.


Silence fell. Is this where the bad feeling I had earlier came from?

"He has healed from the muscles, but Shiva has started to resemble you a lot, Rosarin-chan.”

"How did that happen!?"

I unintentionally screamed at the top of my lungs, startling Dirk with my sudden outburst.

"I should be asking you the same! Do you have any idea about this?"

"I have no idea!"

"You said it so confidently!!"

If there was, I'd have figured it out somehow! Seriously, this is way too unexpected!! I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"... For now, we're still investigating that matter on our end. We'll find the cause and address it as soon as we can."

He got the bouncy bounce mochi… Rosarin… flat, flat…… I don’t get it! How did he get the cake!?

"Please do. Also, Shiva... his hair is sparkling. It's a dazzling golden color…—”Don’t be so selfish!!”

I unintentionally got angry. Was he Golden Shining Shiva again?! And you bring this up now!?

"The drill has been fixed, right!?"

"Well, yeah... um."

"I can’t deny that part of it was my failure, but when it comes to a possessor of pure white magic, the only one that comes to mind is the radiant white Aldin-sama!"

Seeing me finally breaking down, Dirk was flustered. It's kind of cute in a subtle way.

"Well, that radiance led to some unnecessary results. What about the Sage? Weren't they associated with white?"


Come to think of it, there was the Sage. The Sage's magic power was certainly white. So, off to the Sage's place we go. Dirk headed off to work.

"Oh my, if it isn't Rosarin-chan. Welcome."

Once again, a refreshing handsome... I mean, the elegant madam of the house welcomed me.

"Welcome, Rosarin-chan."

Four-year-old Sallida-kun greeted me as well. He casually took my hand and led me to the sitting room. He even pulled out a chair for me to sit down. This perfect escort... wait! Is he a genius? This is both astonishing and frightening! Wait, he looks exactly like the madam!

"You're doing great, Sallida. Always be kind to girls."


Sallida-kun is so obedient and cute.

"Since you're being good, let's give you some sweets."


I gave him a chocolate chip cookie from the emergency stash. Yeah, looking at him like this, he's just like a regular kid. I offered a pound cake to the madam.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87961904 


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