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Still troubled, but happy people.
Kanata’s Point of View
The youngest, Shukul, was comfortably settled on my knee, purring away. On the right, my second daughter; on the left, my eldest son; and on my back, my eldest daughter. They were all purring away as well. Somehow, the kids have grown quite fond of me. When I'm relaxing at home, before I realized, they’ve gathered around me like this.

Man, I'm so happy.

And just as I was basking in this relaxed atmosphere, Shushu arrived.

"Hey! Katrina, Shrek, Canary, Shukul! You can't all be cozying up to your Otousama and leaving Kaasama out of it!"

By the way, from eldest to youngest, those are the names of my kids: my eldest daughter, my eldest son, my second daughter, and my second son. Secretly, I think to myself, "Katrina might not fit in” with her slightly Japanese-looking face. Let me apologize in advance, eldest daughter. Your old man has a plain face.

"It's first-come, first-served!"

"That's right!"

"Let's all take turns~"

"Niyuu... (dozing off)"

Man, I'm so happy. My adorable wife and children, all vying for my attention. In the end, my second daughter also joined in, moving to sit on my lap that had just enough space for her. Perfect! Seriously, I'm truly happy.

While indulging in such blissful escapism from reality, I eventually felt the need to address the matters. After ensuring my wife and children were napping, I picked up my communication device.

"... Kanata-san, has there been any development since then?"

"... There has."

"I can't imagine it being anything good."

"... The muscles, they've recovered."

"That's good news."

"Yeah, thanks to you."

Right... the muscles had indeed healed. However, a new problem had arisen.

Last night, Shiva visited again. The muscles were gone, and he was more slim... Shiva, did he turn into a woman? No, not exactly a woman, but...

"...... It's uncannily similar, isn't it?"

"...... Indeed."


"... (Nod)."

Flashback ends. I must gather my courage and say it. Other gods have mentioned the same, so there's no doubt.

"Rosarin-chan, long eyelashes, almond-shaped beauty, great body, and what comes to mind with purple eyes?"

"Excuse me?"

"Rosarin-chan, you have long eyelashes and almond-shaped eyes."


"A great body, right?"

"... Yes. Dirk helped me grow into it."

"... Let's ignore the lolicon suspicion placed on Dirk-kun. Rosarin-chan, the color of your eyes is purple, right?"

"Dirk isn't a lolicon. He just responds only to me... Yes, that's right. I have purple eyes."


Silence fell.

"He has healed from the muscles, but Shiva has started to resemble you a lot, Rosarin-chan.”

"How did that happen!?"

"I should be asking you the same! Do you have any idea about this?"

"I have no idea!"

"You said it so confidently!!"

"... For now, we're still investigating that matter on our end. We'll find the cause and address it as soon as we can."

"Please do. Also, Shiva... his hair is sparkling. It's a dazzling golden color…—”Don’t be so selfish!!”


Well, not exactly being selfish, more like reporting!

"The drill has been fixed, right!?"

"Well, yeah... um."

"I can’t deny that part of it was my failure, but when it comes to a possessor of pure white magic, the only one that comes to mind is the radiant white Aldin-sama!"

"Well, that radiance led to some unnecessary results. What about the Sage? Weren't they associated with white?"


I forgot about that. They quickly resolved that issue, and Shiva's hair returned to its normal state on that very day.

"Kanata-sama! It's urgent! Please come with me!!"


I hurriedly dashed out. The direction of the voice came from where everyone was napping!!

"Shushu! Katrina, Shrek, Canary, Shukul!!"

I rushed into the room in a panic.


"Fumyu~n! Myu~n!”



"Kanata!? Where are you!?"

My wife and groggy children were in full chorus. And André was getting entangled with... no, getting nibbled on by the kids.

"Ow, ow, ow! Don't bite me! Kanata-sama, help meee!!"

"Don't bite! Otoussama is here now! I will play with you, so stop biting!”


"That won't do!"

My children rushed towards me. However, Shushu intervened.

"Kanata... Otousama can't because he needs to get along with Okaasama!"

"Okaasama, that’s not fair!”


"Let's all take turns!”


"... This is quite a situation, Kanata-sama."

André placed his hand on my shoulder and then fled.

"... How about we all play together?"

After this, pacifying the sulking Shushu was challenging, but I'm still happy today.

In the end, after playing a game of throw and fetch the ball with everyone, my shoulder hurt the next day. However, watching my children chase after the ball, rolling around, and seeing Shushu eager to join in the chase, I have no regrets!!

While the transformation of Shiva into a Rosarin-chan was intriguing, the Void household remained peaceful today.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/87568871 


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