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Usamegane’s side of the event.
Rabisha’s Point of View
One day, when I was soon to be engaged to Alphage-sama, I had arranged to have tea with Hilda. Because of our schedule, we rented the terrace of the castle.

Hilda Schulek is a daughter of a Baron, but was left in the care of the Walse’s as a child.
Baron Schullek was opposed by Hilda's grandfather to marrying Hilda's mother, and furthermore, her parents discussed that it would be difficult for Hilda to live in the noble society with a strong contempt for Beastmen, so Hilda's mother ended up raising Hilda by herself. Although it seemed that some support was provided, Hilda's mother was working, so she was left in the care of our family.
However, Baron Schulek seemed to have come to his senses after that incident, and overcame his opposition and officially married Hilda's mother. Thus, Hilda officially became a daughter of a Baron.

And Hilda, who became daughter of a Baron, worked hard. As a result, although she was a woman, she went into medicine… and was reunited with my brother, Gator.

By that time, she had hidden the fact that she was a half-beastman from all but her closest acquaintances because it was a lot of trouble, and my dull brother was unaware that they had reunited, but Hilda immediately recognized Gator and contacted me. And then we discussed her approach…… or rather……

“Today was no good as well!”

It was another whine&reflection session.

“Yesyes, what happened this time?”

Last time… the strategy was to show off her girl power by making my brother's favorite sweets. It failed because brother hid his sweet tooth from everyone around him.

Before that… was a big plan to ask him out on a shopping date. He refused, saying that he didn't want to lose her because she was small and that it would be a problem if she got hurt because he invited her to a sale of medicinal herbs and other things.

Then, when she made a lunchbox, it happened to clash together with Ojousama’s... she felt defeated and couldn't serve it. It can't be helped, Ojousama’s lunchboxes are the best.

“When I asked him to marry me, he looked at me strangely!”

“No, wait. Explain the situation in detail.”

“It was the please marry me after saying good morning.”

“Stupid. Of course, he would look at you weird!”

Hilda is a smart, but air-headed person. She just discovered that my brother’s mate is her. I want my brother to be happy as well. I tried to think seriously about it, but I got bit on the ear.


My ear twitched to escape. However, both of them got caught and gnawed on. And I even got attacked with pheromones!

“Hia… n.”

Force majeure! I can't help my erotic voice! At any rate, I was buckled, but managed to roll out of my chair and glared at my mate who had played a prank on me.

“Alphage-sama, stupid!”

Don't play tricks on me by using magic to hide your presence and scent, or any other tricks!

“You like this stupid, though, don’t you?”

“I… I ha…”

You piss me off, you beauty! Just because you're a prince doesn't mean you can get away with anything!

“I love you, Rabisha.”

I forgave him.

You are too easy, me! But I can't help it. Even if it's a lie, I don't want to say “I hate you” to him, so I can only say that I like him... and when I saw Alphage-sama with a sad expression on his face, I ended up forgiving him.

“... I love you too, but if you play too many tricks on me, I might start to dislike you."

Alphage-sama was in understandably in a good mood, hugging me and kissing my ears. Don't kiss my ears. It gives me the jitters!

“I'm sorry. You are just too cute. I know you say no, but... you feel go—”f you say anymore, I'll run away to my study abroad place for a while!"

“Fufu… too bad.”

Pervert. He's a perverted prince, Alphage-sama! I can feel his pheromones increasing, and I was getting aroused. Moreover, he licked his lips with his tongue, which was also sexy.


Huh? I met eyes with Hilda, who looked at me with a blush. There, at once, my consciousness returned from the flower garden to reality. What a thing to do in front of Hilda, you perverted prince!

“I envy you… I wanna do that with Gator Oniichan too…”

Fortunately, Hilda's spirit was going out to the flower garden too... but it's embarrassing!!

“Alphage-sama, you are not allowed to touch me for a while.”

“... Rabisha, I seriously apologize. I won't play any pranks in public from now on... can you forgive me?"

You erotic ikemen! If you think I'm going to forgive you all the time like that, you're wrong!

“... I am happy when I touch Rabisha. No matter how busy I am with my official duties, it heals me..."

Guh! Don’t look at me with that sad face of yours! You only tease me all the time… i, it’s not that I dislike it, though. I also like doing i… nono, I can’t! I won’t forgive you!”

“Rabisha… I love you. I really can’t do it?”

“Not this time, okay!”

I lost. I lost to a rarely said "I love you". Damn, I'm so happy. But not wanting to be noticed, I turned away. Alphage-sama laughed, but he seemed happy.

“I understand. I'll be careful. By the way, what were you talking about with the young lady of Baron Schulek’s family?”


Blah, blah, yadda-yadda.

“Hmm. Why don't you lock him in a locked room and have him attack you? My Brother-in-law is a serious man. If he gets into a situation where it looks like he's going to make a move, he'll accept his fate and marry her."

“No, I think there’s too much to lose? I think it would certainly be effective, given my brother's character, but..."

“... Indeed… I will think about it.”

Hilda left the room in a daze.

My fiancé, who is a black-hearted person, found a toy that looked interesting to him and quickly made a plan to play with it, without even concerning himself with the person in question.

Do not make enemies with my fiancé. You will regret it.

Next chapter: Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen - Chapter 384.2


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