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The passion of Mr. Crocodile.
Gator’s Point of View
For the time being, it was agreed that Rabisha would marry as a commoner. After that, we went over when the engagement would be announced, when the marriage would take place, and so on.

“Oh, yes! And while we are at it, why don't we find a bride for Gator-san and Aldin-sama as well!”


The unexpected attack by the Royal Consort side caused me to spit out the tea I was drinking. The attendant quickly wiped it up. Hey, you were laughing, weren't you? It was a good tea… what a waste. He quickly served me a new cup of tea.

“Aldin-sama aside, I feel sorry for the woman who is to marry a man like me. An evil-looking, big and burly, with no money or position in society.”

“Oh my? You are more popular than you think, you know?”

“......... Huh?”

The Royal Consort was grinning. Rabisha averted her gaze. Oi, what did you do!? I have a bad feeling about this!!

“Anyhow, this is a done deal!”

“M, Mother!”

“Isn’t that fine? It’s sounds fun.”

With teary eyes, Aldin-sama appealed to the Queen, but it was no use. I can't help but feel that the announcement of Rabisha’s engagement is going to end up troublesome for me.

“Then, while we are at that, I would like to request a good lady for Ru-sama.”

For now, I decided to increase the number of victims and spread the burden with Aldin-sama. I'm sure I'll be fine.

Thus, on the day of the debut & engagement party.

“”I want to go home…””

Me and Ru-sama were at our lowest. Ru-sama was dressed in his formal attire and was as beautiful as Aldin-sama.

“Well, it’s a good opportunity for you as well, Niisama.”

Rosarin Ojousama said as if it was somebody else’s problem. She was clearly amused. Ojousama was also planning to attend Rabisha's debut, of course. The dressed-up Ojousama was perfectly beautiful, regardless of what she looks like on the inside.

“You don’t know the dreadfulness of young ladies, Rosarin! I don’t want to go! You must have it nice since you have Dirk!”

“Yeah. Marriage is nice~ Marriage brings happiness.”


Dirk-sama was also wearing formal wear. I complimented him on it because it suited him so well, and he was very pleased to hear that, since it was designed by Ojousama herself. Me? I was unwillingly wearing formal wear because I was also participating. Ojousama told me I looked like a free spirit or a mafian. Somehow, I felt that she said I didn't look like a respectable. I lifted my bangs, so my sharp, evil-looking eyes were standing out even more…

Me, Ru-sama, Rosarin Ojousama, and Dirk-sama, rode in the carriage.
Ojousama was sitting on Dirk-sama's lap and flirting with him. This is a daily occurrence. Normally, I would be the driver, but Ru-sama pointed out to me that I should stay in the carriage because of the obvious question, "What if your clothes get dirty?”

“... Ru-sama, are you really going to send Aldin-sama on a suicide mission against such a crowd of starving young ladies all by himself?"

Of course, it was a retaliation for not telling me about Rabisha's story, but it was also because I felt sorry for Aldin-sama that I involved Ru-sama.



“............ I get it! It can’t be helped… but, I’m retreating when I get tired!”

Ru-sama is weak against Ojousama, Aldin-sama, and, incidentally, to me and Dirk-sama. In the end, he broke down.

I've been to the Royal Castle party many times as a servant, but this was my first time as a participant. Somehow, what should have been a familiar sight looked fresh.
Ojousama quickly found Milfilia-sama and the others, and she was chatting and laughing with Dirk-sama and the others.

And Ru-sama was properly treating the starving young ladies. That's amazing.

“Rupert-sama, please come visit our house, by all means.”

“I apologize… I have been very busy with my research, and I forced myself to make time for today because it's my precious squire's sister's big day. It pains me to say this, but…”

Ru-sama, your acting ability is amazing. I felt incredibly uncomfortable because all I saw was the normal, plain Ru-sama.

And Aldin-sama…… ahh… he couldn’t control the starving young ladies. I mean, weren’t they he se*ually harassing him?


I pointed at Aldin-sama with my eyes. He nodded.


“Yes, sir.”

I easily made my way through the hedge of ladies and arrived at Aldin-sama’s side. Compared to the old ladies at the sale, the young ladies are no match for me. Rather, I needed to be careful not to let them fall down. I picked up Aldin-sama and carried him on over shoulder.

“I'm sorry, my ladies. My master wishes to speak with Aldin-sama. May I borrow him for a while?”

I withdrew quickly, but politely.

“Did you see that!?”
“As expected, Aldin-sama is bottom!”

For some reason, the ladies were excited even though Aldin-sama was taken away from them. And why did I have goosebumps?

“Uwahh… it’s so high!”

Aldin-sama as nocently enjoying the shoulder ride. Good for him.

“... You must be having fun.”

“Yeah! Gator used to give me shoulder rides in the past as well!”

“Oh? I did… do something like that, didn’t I? I did not pay attention when I did it for Jend and others since they were just kids, but you are a prince, aren’t you?”

Gahaha, I laughed. Aldin-sama was fidgeting. Does he need to go to the restroom?

“Gator Aniue is going to be my Brother-in-law too, right?”


“Then, that makes me your Brother-in-law as well?”

“... Who knows? Well, isn’t that just fine? You were and still will be akin to my little brother.”

“I see!”

Aldin-sama looked happy. Well, I won’t be always able to do things like that because of my status, but as long as it's not in public, it should be fine.


I stopped when a voice called out to me.


I turned around and saw a few honest-looking young ladies.

“U, umm… can we have a moment of your time! Could you please talk to us for a bit!?”

“... What do you want to do?”

“I don’t mind.”

I suppose they wanted to talk to Aldin-sama. So I put Aldin-sama down on the sofa to rest.

“Umm… what is your favorite food?”

“You have helped us before. Do you remember?”

“What amazing muscles you have… slurp.”

Something was wrong. For some reason, the ladies were talking to me a lot. I mean, the last one was kind of rubbing my arm, what does she want?

“Hey, you are quite popular, aren’t you?”

While I was confused, the grinning Ru-sama appeared.

“No, someone like me must be a rarity in their eyes.”

“You are wrong!”

“That’s right! We have been saved by Gator-sama before, and we have long admired you, who was a model for the novels written by Usamegane sensei.”

(We are your admirers and members of Gator-sama’s fan club!!)

The hell is that.

At any rate, I would like to make a few interjections, but my head is not working correctly. The hell is this about?

“......... Bufuhehehe… oh crap… how funny…”

Ru-sama you're laughing in a way that beautiful boys shouldn't.

“Good for you.”

No, I'm not sure if this is good or not, Aldin-sama. At any rate, I feel faint. I don't understand. How come there’s a group or whatever this is, loving this evil face of mine……

My head was starting to hurt. Somehow I thought that Usamegane might be Rabisha. What the hell did that lass do!?

Next chapter: Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen - Chapter 381


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