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A day in the life of a crocodile.
Gator’s (Rabisha’s older brother) Point of View
One day, I received summons from Ojousama. I was called to the castle, but I did not mind, thinking that it was something to do with Ru-sama’s friend, Alphage-sama.

I was shown to a room by Alphage-sama’s attendant, whom I already knew well, where I found His Majesty the King, the Queen, Alphage-sama’s mother, Aldin-sama, Alphage-sama himself, Rabisha, and a fat pig in the corner... no that was my pops.

At any rate, the door was closed behind me.


Alphage-sama’s servant was fidgeting.

“... What kind of gathering is this?”

“Alphage-sama will now explain. Everyone has been waiting for you, Gator-sama.”

“... I see.”

I tried to keep my face as expressionless as possible... but inwardly, I was thinking, let me be prepared too! No unnecessary surprises! I'm under so much pressure with all the royalty waiting for me! I complained to Ojousama. Let my cry reach Ojousama (escape from reality).

“Gator-dono, I apologize for deceiving you.”

Alphage-sama showed me to my seat. When I gently refused to be seated because of the difference in status, he persuaded me that this was a private meeting and that it would be difficult to talk to me otherwise.

“Well then, I have decided to get officially engaged to Miss Rabisha Walse here.”

“Congratulations, Aniue!”

“Thank you. The problem is Miss Rabisha's status. I have called you here because it concerns… Father-in-law, as well as Gator—Brother-in-law.”

“Are you suggesting Rabisha’s adoption?”

“We are considering that too, but I would like to reinstate Walse family’s noble status instead.”

As I recall, when our Grandfather was falsely accused, Wolfanea offered to reinstate him, but he refused them. Rabisha is probably not aware because she wasn’t close with him, but I used to visit him a lot because I was worried about our eccentric and stubborn Grandfather.

“I… think I would like to decline.”

My Pops, the fat bunny who had been shrinking in the corner, spoke up. He was trembling.

“Why is that?”

“I am a former merchant and now the Director of an orphanage. I am currently trying to create a system where children can go out into the world and not have to worry about making ends meet. Using my old contacts, I am trying to help the children acquire the skills and training they need… This cannot be done by a noble. At least until this system is established… No, I am also proud to be a merchant, even though I am a former one. Therefore, I cannot accept your offer."

At first, Father was a bit tense, but in the end, he said it right.

“... I see. What are your thoughts, Brother-in-law Gator?”

“I… don't want to be a noble. I have thought about it and made the choice to continue as Ru-sama’s squire and assistant. I will proudly serve Ru-sama and the Rosenbergs for as long as I live.”

I had no need to hesitate. Both Ojousama and Ru-sama had given me a proper choice. I decided on my own that I would serve Ru-sama as a fellow researcher, and a follower.
Now that I am a licensed doctor, I can go to the orphanage as a volunteer to see patients. Now I am using the contacts I gained while studying abroad to spread the word about volunteer medical examinations for the poor. My friends are all commoners who have a hard time making a living. No matter how I think about it, a noble status would only be a hindrance in my case.

“... Sorry, Rabisha. But you'll always be my sister, no matter who adopts you. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters. I'm sure you can depend on Alphage-sama. Alphage-sama, please take good care of my sister."

I bowed deeply.


“She’s a selfish, black-hearted, rebellious, and naughty girl, but she’s a gentle girl at heart. I am sure she will support and assist you well, Alphage-sama.”

“Niisan, are you praising me? Or badmouthing me? They were almost all insults!”

Rabisha puffed up and stretched my cheeks. It didn’t go well, probably because my cheeks are so sturdy.

“It’s the truth.”

“Niisan, you stupid! Good-for-nothing! Virgin!”

“You!? The last one is irrelevant!?”

“Now, now, stop it!”

Pops intervened in a hurry. Oh crap, I was talking too casually. His Majesty and others were laughing, so it's safe?

“I… am estranged from my family, and it's only in the last few years that I've gotten involved with anyone other than Aldin.”

Alphage-sama began to speak with a gentle expression on his face.

“So watching the warm exchanges of the Walse family make me smile, and I don't want to take it away from Miss Rabisha. Mother, I hope you will forgive my selfishness."

The Royal Consort, who looked much like Alphage-sama, smiled sweetly.

“Leave it to me! In other words, you mean to marry Miss Rabisha as a commoner?”





“Oh my.”

“Is that really alright with you? Aniue.”

Pops and I were stunned, the King and Queen looked amused, and Aldin-sama confirmed whether he was fine with that.

“Aldin, do you think I'm so incompetent that I can’t even convince the people around me of my skills?”

How persuasive.

The honest Aldin-sama apologized. A beautiful person’s smile is super scary!

“It will be a good opportunity to smoke out our political enemies, no? I'll spread rumors, mm… that Miss Rabisha is a tragic young lady who lost her nobleship due to a false accusation and lived in difficulties. Leave it to me to take care of the idiots who oppose Alphage’s engagement. I won't let anyone bully my lovely daughter-in-law, Rabisha.”

The Royal Consort is just like Alphage-sama, isn't she? Her blackness was in full bloom. Rabisha, they like you very much, don't they? Good for you. That Royal Consort is the kind of person you should never make enemies with. Rabisha laughed wryly.

“Oh my, I am here to help.”

The Queen smiled at the Royal Consort.

“M, me too…”
“I will help too!”

“”You guys just stay quiet, obediently.””

It was a moment when I thought that in this country, women were actually the strongest.

"Mothers-in-law, I'll do my best to let you hook up a big fish!"

“”We will be counting on you.””

Rabisha was in the same league as the top ladies of this country. Her own qualities were further refined by our Ojousama… that’s why I was convinced that my sister would be fine no matter what happened.

Next chapter: Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen - Chapter 380 


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