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"What's going on with you and Jed, anyway?"

Giselle asked me as soon as I finished changing. I don't know, but I think I upset him.

"I don't know, but I think I've upset him.”
"As soon as I told him about a friend, he started acting strange…”
"A friend?"

Giselle tilted her head in confusion, so I replied, "I'm talking about His Highness Jerald of the Fall Empire.”
I've only told her that I've become friends with him. I couldn't tell my family, His Highness Cyril, or anyone else. In fact, there was no way I could tell them that I had become friends with the first prince of a friendly country in secret.
As soon as I mentioned Jerald’s name, Giselle stood up from her chair with a clatter. I turned around, startled by the sound, and saw a puzzled expression on her face.

"You told him about His Highness Jerald?”
"Of course I didn't mention his name. I only told him I had a friend in the Empire.”

I’m just a commoner now. I can't say that I am friends with the prince of a country, and that he’s someone who is treated poorly in the Empire. Giselle muttered “I see…” with her cheeks cramping. Does she have some idea why Jed had been acting strangely?
When I was about to ask her, she spoke first.

"You only said that you have a friend in the Empire?”
"Yeah. Yes, I told him I had a precious friend there.”

As soon as I told Jed that he was like Jerald, he seemed to have lost his composure.
Maybe he didn't like the fact that he was being compared to someone else.
If you think about it, it would be uncomfortable to be compared to someone you don't know. I think I've figured out why Jed has been acting so strange.
When I mentioned this to Giselle, she said, "Lady Elle, you are so insensitive in strange areas.”

"What do you mean?
"No, it's okay if you have not noticed.”

What do you mean that I haven't noticed?
When I tilted my head at her meaningful words, I was told, "Don't worry about it," but of course I was curious. I wondered if I had overlooked something. When I think about it, I can only think of one thing, but it's not this.
There's no way that Lord Jed and Jed are really the same person...
There are many similarities, but one of them is under house arrest in the Imperial Castle. The other is traveling at will. If he’s like me, he has been kicked out of your country due to special circumstances, I would understand. However, as a person who knows the state of the Empire, it's hard for me to imagine they would let someone who they treat so poorly out of the country to willingly spread bad news. They are probably going to keep him locked up in the castle until he dies.

“Anyhow, I will apologize to Jed later.”
“Haah, is that so…”
“That’s a very vague reply…”

Gisele's unusual way of replying upset me. I can force her to talk, but ordering her to do so will only make her happy. I don’t really understand, but I understand that I need to investigate Jed more. I'll have a long talk with him after the matter with Ewe is settled.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56301183 


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