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“Lady Elle.”

It was Giselle who called out to me as I was about to go upstairs. She was looking around, so I told her that Jed had already returned.

“It’s unusual that the clingy human isn’t with us, right?”
“A bit. Or maybe he just doesn’t want to be called a goofball by you, Giselle.”

Ever since we met again, Giselle has been very attached to me. I have nothing to say though, because I raised her that way.
She asked me whether something happened, but I shook my head. I don’t know whether I did something wrong. Jed started acting weird when I recalled my past and mentioned it.
I hadn't meant to make him uncomfortable or anything, though.

“Rather than that, what have you found out?”

When I entered the room, I put up a soundproof barrier and when I asked Giselle, she silently shook her head. You can say that I was expecting no results.
She gave me an apologetic look, so I smiled and said, "Don't worry about it.”
It was the other party's fault this time, so it couldn't be helped.

"She didn't give me a chance at all. Who the hell is this Miss Ewe?”
"I guess we'll find out tonight.”
"We will be talking later. Are you coming, Giselle?”

I don't think she will be angry with me for taking Giselle. On the contrary, she would expect me to take her with me. “Of course, I’m going” Giselle vigorously stood up and declared.

“Why did you suddenly decide to talk?”
"Because I felt we had to talk about now."

Giselle nodded her head curiously at my answer.
I smiled and said, "You'll find out soon enough," and she agreed without asking any questions.

"Where do you want to talk?”
"I will leave that to her."

If Ewe was who I thought she was, there was only one place I could think of to discuss it.
Giselle said, "All right. Is there anything I need to prepare?"
I just want to talk to her...
I let out a wry smile at her show of hostility.

"Not really. If anything, you'd better be prepared to get into some trouble.”

I lightly tapped on the shoulder of Giselle who was making an expression of not understanding and told her, “You don’t have to mind it now.”

“So you have figured out Miss Ewe’s identity, after all…”
“Most likely. But, I have no proof, so I will have to hear from the person herself.”

As I was getting dressed, she asked me, "So, how was your outing today?”
Whether he really enjoyed it or not, I had fun going out.

“We went to see the play of The Boheme Troupe.”
“They came here?”
“What a good timing. You have said previously that you would like to see them again.”

Giselle clapped her hands happily, and I replied in a small voice, "Yeah…” As always, the acting and direction of The Boheme Troupe was superb. The only thing that did not satisfy me was the fact that the content was about charm magic. This is my personal opinion as a victim of this spell.

"Then we climbed the clock tower.”
"You went to the clock tower? You didn’t collapse, did you?”
"It was fine. It was hard to climb, though.”
"We tried to climb it once when we were very young and gave up.”

Giselle tried to climb it with me when I was little. Only I almost collapsed, and she did everything she could to stop me. SO I had to give up. She smiled wryly, as if she was remembering that time, and nodded with a smile when I asked her if she wanted to climb with me again later.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56058397 


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