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"Is there something on your mind?"

I was asked as I left the inn with Giselle after making an appointment to go out with Jed.
She really knows me very well. But I would only trouble her if I tell her that Jed might be exchanging letters with the royal family of the Fall Empire.
In the end, she might try to confirm it, and I can't cause her any more trouble than I already have.

“It’s nothing.”
“Is that so? Please let me know if there’s something.”
“I know. Rather than that, you seem to be the one that has something to say, Giselle.”

She opened her eyes wide momentarily and replied, “As expected of you.”
It was after we confronted Gislain and others that Giselle started acting strangely. At first I thought she was worried about the fact that they almost beat her and that I saved her, but it seems that I was wrong.
She put her hand on her chin and made a thinking gesture, then looked at me with sharp eyes.

“The one I’m concerned about is Ewe.”
“What do you mean?”

It seems that it was Ewe who arranged for the midnight confrontation between us and Gislain not to become a big deal.
After all that fancy magic that happened that night, there had been no fuss or even rumors about it. What the hell did she do?

"Did she say anything else to you?”
"The only thing I can think of is the redness in Ewe’s eyes. I thought of trying to find out who she was, but…”

Giselle stammered with a blank expression. I guess she couldn't get any clues. She lowered her eyebrows and apologized, "I'm sorry I couldn't be of help.”
It's not necessary to apologize, but the serious former personal maid of mine blamed herself for being useless.

"It's nothing you should be apologizing for.”

But it is still strange that Giselle, who is very good at gathering information, can't even get a clue.
We are in Ewe’s care. I know that it would be for the best not to get too involved with her, but we also cannot leave it as it is.
I should probably look into her as well.

“I will find out who she is before we leave from here.”
“You don’t have to this.”
“It will be too frustrating to leave without knowing anything.”

Giselle's lips twitched. Apparently, she had such a childish reason for wanting to find out who Ewe is.
She always had a competitive streak with everyone but me, but she hasn’t fixed it at all.

“That reminds me…”
“Is there still something?”
“There’s going to be a ball at the Nutre Castle.”

The fortified castle of Nutre was built in the northern part of Arburn. It's a castle as big as the mansion where the ruler, Prince Blanche, lives, and it's used mainly as a place to conduct politics and host many soirées.

“You don’t seem to care.”
“That place is irrelevant to us.”
“That’s right, but there won’t be a better opportunity to get in contact with Lady Margaery than this.”

I am worried about Noble Consort Margaery who hasn't been seen in public for a while, but I can't stay here too long.
It’s highly likely that I will get exposed if I stay here, in Arburn, when there’s so many nobles gathering.

“We are leaving from here before the ball takes place.”

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55158472 


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