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Rumaja and Plum’s Departure
We brought back a Cursed Orb, not a treasure.
Yet, the Royal family calls it a ‘Royal treasure' and wants to reclaim it.
This is highly suspicious.

"Hmm. Was I the only one summoned?"

"N-no. It seems an order has been issued to capture everyone who participated in the subjugation this time."

"I see."

Oh, killing intent is leaking from Rumaja.
It's also leaking from Plum and Lord Sazaby.
This is quite frightening...

"I understand. We must welcome them properly."

"Rumaja, I won’t let you hog them all to yourself."

"I’d like to have a share too, you know?"

"Father, you can deal with the King and the nobles, right? Leave the soldiers to us."

"I suppose I have no choice. I’ll yield here."

"... But what about weapons? I could just punch them barehanded."

"Please don't, Master. But we don't have a suitable weapon for you..."

"Indeed. I don’t ask for a luxury like a whip, but a magic sword at least."

A whip... Oh, that's right.
I haven't used the goddess's whip at all.
Can I let someone else use it?
If it's not okay, I'll just give it a try anyway.

"Plum, can you use this?"

"... This whip looks quite new. Is it your weapon?"

"It's one of the weapons I got from my Master. But I haven't had a chance to use it."

"I see. Then let's see... huh!?"

I think Plum infused it with magic, but the whip turned black.
Only the handle remained blood-red.
It looked a bit unsettling.

"Is it really okay to use this weapon?"

"Yes. I don’t use it."

"Understood. I’ll gratefully use it. Shall we go, Rumaja?"

"Yes, Master. Adventurers, follow us!"

With Rumaja and Plum at the forefront, the adventurers, and Lord Sazaby in tow, we left Rumaja's mansion.
The mansion was surrounded by many knights.
With this many knights, they could have used more forces to protect the Royal Capital...
I really don't understand the king's decisions in this country.

"Rumaja! Have you come to terms and surrendered?"

"What do you mean by 'come to terms'? I don't even remember taking the Royal family’s Royal treasure."

"Don't play dumb! The arrest warrant clearly states that you stole the royal family’s Royal treasure!"

"Is that your only evidence? Then, we’ll force our way through."

"What!? Do you plan to take on all these knights!?"

"These mere humans don’t even count. Now, out of our way."

Rumaja instantly released a prepared spell towards the knights.
The knights were silently blown away and fell down, not moving.
Um, they aren't dead, right?

"Is that all? They didn’t even bring anti-magic equipment to face me, they’re just throwaway pawns."

"Damn it... They're few in number! Attack all at once!"

On the command of someone who seemed like the captain, knights filled the gap and charged at us all at once.
But they couldn't touch Rumaja and Plum, getting blown away by magic or whipped.
Yeah, the knights of this country are too weak.

"What's wrong? Is it over already?"

"Damn it... Mage squad, prepare!"

"Captain!? The mage squad has already been taken down!"

"Who did it!?"

"It was... a spider monster."

Oh, Talat is over there now.
So, he incapacitated the mage squad that was waiting in the rear.
He’s so considerate.

"Damn it... Retreat. Everyone, follow!"

"I won't let you escape."

"What? My legs... my body, they won't move..."

"It's a type of dark magic. Probably not studied in this country."

As expected, Rumaja and Plum are strong.
Aside from Talat incapacitating the mage squad, the two of them took down everyone else.
But, what will happen next?
Are we heading to the Royal palace?


Rumaja and Plum’s March
Rumaja was seemingly intending to have Talat transport all of the defeated knights.
Talat didn't refuse and wrapped the knights in cocoons one by one, as instructed by Rumaja.
After about 30 minutes, the packing of the knights was completed, and it was finally time to depart.

"Let's go. Our destination is the Royal palace."

"The Royal palace? But don't we need to pass through the gate of the noble district to get there...?"

"If they try to stop us, they'll end up like these guys."

Wow, what's that? That's completely forceful.
Well, they did attack us first, so it can't be helped... maybe?
In fact, we were stopped at the gate of the noble district, but Rumaja threatened the guards and forced our way through.
Hmm, I feel like we've become the bad guys here.
Once we got through the noble district, the Royal palace was just around the corner.

"Stop! If you come any closer, it will be considered an act of rebellion against His Majesty the King, and you will be executed immediately!"

Wow, the palace soldiers were lined up in full force.
They seem to be packed right up to the gate leading to the palace.
But they are no match for Rumaja and Plum, so what should we do?

"Hmm, shall we force our way through, disciple?"

"No, it would be difficult to hold back and not cause serious injuries to that many opponents."

"A nuisance. We could drain their stamina with dark magic, but that would take time."

"Yes. Let's observe the situation for a while..."

While Rumaja and Plum were discussing what to do next, there was some movement in the other camp.
The soldiers started collapsing.
It seems neither of the two has done anything yet, so what happened?

"... What is it, Master?"

"This wave... could it be Lady Zena?"

While the two of them were speculating, the soldiers continued to fall until the last one was down.
Then, a woman in a seductive dress came walking from the direction of the soldiers.
The adventurers, including myself, were on guard, but Plum signaled us to hold off.
Is she an ally?

"Long time no see, Princess Plum."

"I'm not used to being called princess, Lady Zena. What brings you here this time?"

"I heard from the elder Bastaraf and crossed the sea to get here. I never expected to find you in a combat situation."

"The people of this country are short-tempered. I'm heading to the palace as is, what will you do?"

"Duke Sazaby is also with you. I will accompany you."

"Very well. Let's proceed."

It seems that the reason the soldiers collapsed was due to this person's ability.
When passing through, I checked the fallen soldiers, but they appeared to be just sleeping.
The fact that she could put them to sleep without them noticing in that instant is a bit scary.
Come to think of it, the people of Darshe Principality didn't come here by ship or anything, but rather through teleportation magic, right?
If soldiers were sent here using teleportation magic, wouldn't the country fall in an instant?
Is this country going to be okay...?


Audience Chamber
Passing through the palace gates (the soldiers inside had already been put to sleep), Rumaja walked through the palace without any hesitation.
It seems that she has been to the palace multiple times and knows the way.
The place we were heading to now was the audience chamber.
The assumption is that the King will be there.
If he isn’t, we can just search elsewhere, she said.

Even if soldiers or knights appeared along the way, they were quickly put to sleep by Zena, posing no obstacle.
We just had to avoid them and keep moving.
Before long, we arrived at a door lavishly decorated.
This seems to be the audience chamber.
However, no matter how much the other adventurers pushed or pulled, the door wouldn't open.
How are we supposed to get in?

"Rumaja, how do we get in?"

"Hm? Like this!"

Suddenly, Rumaja cast a spell, blowing away the door of the audience chamber along with part of the wall.
But the door itself remained undistorted; I wonder why?

"As expected, a door with magic resistance. Blowing it away along with the wall was the correct decision."

"Indeed. Well done, my disciple. Now, let’s enter."

"Yes. Oh, there are some traps inside. Let’s trigger them first and then destroy them."

"Understood. Leave it to me."

If there are traps inside, we should destroy them first before entering...
But Rumaja, Lord Sazaby, and Zena entered without a care.
We should follow them.

Inside the audience chamber, besides the blown-off door, there was nothing particularly unusual.
There was a throne where the King would sit, but that’s typical for an audience chamber.
And then... what’s that large bowl-like thing attached to the ceiling?
Just as I was about to ask Rumaja what that was, a yellow light started pouring down from the ceiling!
What is this!?

"Fuhahaha! You were bold to attack Us, but coming all the way to the audience chamber was a mistake, Rumaja!"

"... Disciple, what is that?"

"The foolish King of this country. His role will soon come to an end, though."

"What are you talking about! You are all trapped in the Magic Sealing Prison!"

"Magic Sealing Prison? What is that, Rumaja?"

"A magic device that drains the captured opponent's magic power and immobilizes them. See, that light is coming from that device on the ceiling."

"Oh, you’re right."

"... By the way, we seem to be moving freely even inside the Magic Sealing Prison."

"Huh? Oh..."

Looking around, all the other adventurers had collapsed.
The only ones who seemed fine were Rumaja, Plum, Lord Sazaby, Zena, and myself.
Wait, what about Talat?

"Hm? Is that by your instruction?"


"Talat is trying to destroy the Magic Sealing Prison."

"What!? Isn't that bad!?"

"No, I was planning to destroy it afterward. Talat, go ahead and break it."


Talat wrapped the Magic Sealing Device in threads and pulled it, yanking the device off the ceiling and slamming it into the wall.
When Talat unwound the threads, what came out was the remains of the device.
It was thoroughly smashed.

"Wh... you destroyed the Magic Sealing Prison so easily...?"

"I’ve said it before. That device is an outdated antique. It has no effect on those with significant magic power. And to think something so easily broken was your final line of defense is laughable."


Ah, the King was trying to escape!
But Talat shot threads at him and immobilized him.
This King really is... helpless.


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