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Did I get fooled?
(… So that means by now, His Majesty has been informed of the approval...)

A long sigh could be heard over the phone.

"I'm terribly sorry...!"

Given Oniisama's demeanor, it seemed better to accept it, and it would be problematic if the spice imports were stopped...

(No, it's fine. If you've already accepted, then it can't be helped. I underestimated the situation. To be honest, I was considering getting some advice from you this weekend. I don't want to burden you, but losing trade with the Country of Samonar would be tough.)

Wait... Shouldn't I have declined this after all!? Isn't this a huge responsibility? No way!

(Yes! You can come up with the recipe, but let's have the Head Chef prepare it on the day!)

Otousama proposed, as if he had a brilliant idea.
Yes, I had thought of that too.
Even if I come up with the recipe, I don't have to cook it myself.

If the head chef, who worships me (lol), makes it instead, everything will be solved!
But it would be bad if something went wrong and the Head Chef got blamed, and if the food is well received, and they demand "Send us your Head Chef!" that would be a problem... right?

"Um, how about providing the recipe and having the Royal Chefs prepare it?"
(... Your recipes often use unique ingredients, so just handing over the recipe might not ensure it’s accurately recreated.)

Ugh, I can't deny that.

(Moreover, our Head Chef is familiar with your cooking, and he wouldn't let anyone else prepare a new recipe.)

Wow... I can't deny that either...

So, this time, it was decided that I would teach the Head Chef my recipe, and on the day, he would lead the preparation in the Royal kitchen.
Apparently, the Head Chef had worked in the Royal kitchen before, so it made more sense for him to use the kitchen he was familiar with rather than me using an unfamiliar one. Knowing this, I could leave everything to him with peace of mind.

"Oh, right! Otousama, I need information about the Country of Samonar, especially regarding their cuisine..."
(Understood. I'll have it compiled and delivered to you as soon as possible. Sorry, but please come home this weekend to discuss the plans with the Head Chef.)

I bid Otousama goodnight and ended the call.

Sigh, what was supposed to be just a thank-you tea party has turned into something huge...

"Country of Samonar... What kind of cuisine do they prefer? It's a troublesome situation, but if I think of it as a chance to encounter new ingredients and dishes like with Yahatul, it's quite exciting."

Thinking about the unknown cuisine of the Country of Samonar, I headed downstairs to prepare tonight's dinner.

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