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Regarding the New Store
"…… You used it without consulting me, didn't you? The Frost Spider Silk."

"…… I'm sorry, Alizée."

"No, it's fine to use it for a commission since it's your personal property... but did you get permission from Marquis Vardmoi, the client?"

"No, I didn't..."

"That's definitely a problem, isn't it?"

The day after the party, I'm having a meeting with Alizée in a room at the Trade Guild in the Royal Capital.
Alizée moved to the Guild members' quarters as soon as she arrived in the Capital, so we're having our discussion here.
The main topics are the bill for the dress made from Frost Spider Silk that I used without permission, the handling of the Frost Spider Silk that has been decided to be sold to Princess Rodenlight, and the new store proposal that was suggested last night.
These are all issues I caused, so I need to face them properly.

"For now, let's bill the dress as if it was a Mana Spider Silk dress, as it also served as a promotion for Frost Spider Silk. We can't simply add the cost of the material, which is worth more than ten times, to the bill."

"Thank you, Alizée."

"As for the Frost Spider Silk to be sold to Princess Rodenlight, it can't be helped. It's best not to go against Royalty without reason. Moreover, since Princess Rodenlight has already set a price, there is no need to negotiate for anything less. She is a perfect client for our business records."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

"And lastly, about your new store..."

Oh, Alizée seems to be struggling with this as well.
I couldn't come up with a good idea either.
But if we don't figure it out, my shop, Spider’s Silken Cloud, will be in trouble.
What should we do?

"First, if it's going to be a specialty tailor shop, let's focus solely on dresses from the start. If you also take on men's tailored clothing, the pressure from other shops will increase, and more importantly, you won't be able to manage it all."

Yes, I think so too.
Making dresses is already quite difficult, and I have no idea how to make men's clothing either.
Normally, it takes several months to make a single outfit, and since I'm the only tailor, it's impossible.
Men's clothing has to be cut out.

"Next, about the location. If we build in the Capital, you will need to move your base to the Capital. It's a problem if the head tailor is not usually present at the shop, or even in the same city."

"That's true..."

"However, if Lady Lily, if you leave Vardmoi, it will be very unfavorable for the Vardmoi Trade Guild as well. It would also be troublesome for you not to receive the protection of Marquis Vardmoi. The new store should be built in Vardmoi."

Hmm, it's because I'm under the protection of Marquis Vardmoi that I can do things to a certain extent as I please.
If I leave that protection, there will be no safety net for me to fall back on.
In that sense, leaving Vardmoi is not a good idea. Besides, I quite like the city of Vardmoi and don't really want to leave.

"Is everything up to here alright? Then, let's move on to narrowing down specific locations. It was helpful to carry around a map of Vardmoi city."

Alizée even carried something like that around.
Apparently, she uses it sometimes when negotiations come up while she's out.
This time, it was useful for deciding where my new store should be.
As expected, she's very efficient.

"Your current shop is here. It's a small shop just off the main street. We can't expand it here."

"Why not?"

"When welcoming noble customers, we must assume they will arrive by carriage. Considering that, a shop along the main street is desirable."

"Hmm, but are there any good properties available?"

"Honestly, I can't say without investigating after returning to Vardmoi. However, with your financial resources, you should be able to buy a shop smoothly."

Buying an existing shop... It feels a bit like a takeover, which I don't like, but with a recommendation from the Trade Guild and sufficient funds, some shops might be willing to sell.
With over 100 million in funds, there shouldn't be any problems.
Anyway, we'll continue this discussion after returning to Vardmoi.


Preparations for Returning
Once the plan was set, it was just a matter of putting it into action.
Especially for the new store, we need to move quickly to get it established in time.
Last night, Princess Rodenlight mentioned that she would like a few dresses once the new store is ready, and given how prominent Young lady Kou was, orders will likely come in as soon as word gets out.
We need to act before that happens.
According to Alizée, since we have a commission from Princess Rodenlight, no other noble will try to cut in, and if they do, a single letter addressed to Princess Rodenlight will resolve everything.
Power can be frightening.

In any case, nothing can proceed without returning to Vardmoi.
I want to head back immediately, but it's not that simple.
Currently, I am a guest of the Marquis Vardmoi family.
Leaving abruptly would be rude, especially since I'm also a merchant employed by Marquis Vardmoi.

Thus, I arranged to explain the situation to Marquis Vardmoi.
After explaining, he asked me to wait a bit.
The reason was that one of the nobles present at the party, Young lord Vic, wanted to meet Young lady Kou, and she needed a dress prepared for the occasion.
Yes, I am completely a tailor now.

"What kind of dress should I make this time?"

"Hmm... It shouldn't be too extravagant. Something that doesn't lose its elegance but also honors the other party."

I have no idea what that means!
Even if I think about it alone, I won't understand.
The members of Wildcat Claws also said they have no idea about noble dress affairs.
So I asked Alizée, who suggested a modestly colored dress that isn't too restrictive might be best.
Thank you, Alizée!

I returned to the Marquis Vardmoi residence and hurriedly set to work on the dress.
Combining existing patterns, I managed to create four different dress designs within a week.
Marquis Vardmoi and Young lady Kou both said that would be sufficient.
With nothing else left to do in the Royal Capital, Marquis Vardmoi even prepared a farewell banquet to send us off perfectly.

However, just as we were preparing to depart the next day, Grandmaster Rumaja of the Adventurers' Guild arrived at the Marquis Vardmoi residence.
She had an urgent meeting with Marquis Vardmoi and asked me to attend as well, knowing I was there.
What could this be about?

"Mhm, I apologize for the sudden visit at this hour."

"No problem. However, what brings the Grandmaster of the Adventurers' Guild to a noble house unannounced?"

"That's the thing. All the roads leading west from the Royal Capital, especially those leading to Vardmoi, have been closed. I met Alizée at the Adventurers' Guild and came here to stop Lily from departing."

"All roads to the west are closed? What on earth is happening?"

"We're not sure. Since the day before yesterday, none of the adventurers who went hunting around the western forest have returned. And today, one adventurer fled back, calling for help from the northwestern highway. He said his comrades were devoured by Ice Wolves.”

Ice Wolves!?
What on earth is happening?


The Ice Wolves and the Adventurers' Guild in Action
Rumaja seemed to have come specifically to stop me.
But why did Rumaja come in person?
While I was wondering, Rumaja continued the story.

"At first, it was just the testimony of one adventurer, so we couldn't verify its authenticity. However, merchants and adventurers returning from the western highway also reported being attacked by Ice Wolves. Thinking there was something to it, the Adventurers' Guild decided to warn all adventurers heading towards the western highway."

So that's how it was...
All adventurers?
What about ordinary merchants and travelers?
When I asked about that, Rumaja answered bitterly.

"... The knights and guards of this country aren't paying any attention to this matter. Therefore, the highway has not been officially closed by the state."

"I see. But if the damage is that severe, shouldn't a survey team be dispatched?"

"Normally, that would be the case, Marquis Vardmoi. However, the high officials of this country have ordered the Adventurers' Guild to investigate without providing any reward."

"I see, the 'Adventurer Emergency Cooperation Agreement,' huh."

"Hmph, that agreement works by paying cooperation fees in peacetime and also paying when problems actually occur. This country hasn't paid the cooperation fee for four years. If they don't pay for five years, the agreement becomes void. They're making a request without investigation fees just before the deadline, so there's no reason to comply. Well, they did issue the request, though. For a reward of 0 Rubies."

A reward of 0 Rubies means there's no reward no matter what you discover, right?
And yet, they have to go into the dangerous forest, so no one would take it up, right?

"In any case, that's the current situation. I felt it would be wrong to let Lily go without knowing this, since we had caused trouble for you before. That's why I came directly."

"I see. However, wouldn't this disrupt the flow of goods between Vardmoi and the Capital again?"

"There's nothing that can be done about that. I've arranged for birds to fly and warn merchants and adventurers coming partway, convincing them to turn back. The same message will go to the Vardmoi Adventurers' Guild. At this point, it's a standoff between the Royal family and the Adventurers' Guild."

Hmm, it's tough for those caught in the middle.
But if I act as an adventurer and anyone gets hurt, it would be terrible...
What should I do?

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/107033593


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