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Operation Love-love.
I moved to the Burton residence with Kurarin for the time being.

"... Rosarin, welcome back?"

"Dirk, I'm home."

"Uh... Kurarin?"

"I'm just visiting."

I explained how I met Kurarin.

"And so, Dirk, I'd like you to declare your love for me! Actually, I want to hear it!!"


"This is for world peace! Please, Diurrun."

Although Dirk was bewildered, he eventually began to talk about me... or rather, about how we first met.

While I thought the way Dirk described me was overly beautified, I couldn't help but feel happy... and I couldn't resist hugging him.

"Dirk, I love you!!"

"Whoa!? I-I love you too...? Whoa, Kurarin!?"

Dirk seemed startled, and when I looked at Kurarin, she had transformed into a black cat girl. Why!? Was it because it was Dirk!? When it was my turn, she transformed into a muscle-bound form!

"Rosarin, LOVE charge complete!"

"Okay, Kurarin! By the way, can't you store that love?"

To be honest, I feel like even repeating that trivial event a hundred times wouldn't be enough to win over Aldin-sama.

"Storing love sounds impossible, right?"

"I'll give it a try."

As a result... it worked. Dirk's love turned into an amber-colored, heart-shaped gem. It was about ten centimeters in size. For now, I decided to put it in a bottle.

"So, let's gather some love!"

"Why me, of all people!?"

Rabisha-chan was bewildered, while Alphage-sama had a broad smile on his face.

"Well, Rabisha-chan, you really love Alphage-sama, don't you? Help us for the sake of world peace!"


"I want to hear it too, Rabisha."

"Ugh... Y-you have to speak next, Alphage-sama!!"

Rabisha-chan did her best. Despite being interrupted by Alphage-sama's harassment several times, she persisted.

"Rosarin-sama, I want to confirm my love with Rabisha right away, so can we do this later?"

Kurarin had transformed into a bunny. A bunny grandpa, at that.



My roar scared the two of them. Kurarin remained unfazed. Alphage-sama had a look like a dead fish.

"Fine. I have some of the black-bellied one's share too."

"Thank you. Then let's go, Rabisha."

"W-what about my wiiiiiill?"

Hang in there, Rabisha-chan. Rabisha-chan was carried away somewhere by Alphage-sama. They sure are close!

The love between Rabisha-chan and Alphage-sama was a pink and light blue marble.

"Why me, though?"

"To give my eternally lecherous sage a chance to shine. Such a kind gesture from your considerate disciple, and you trample on it as if you wish to open the forbidden door."

"Please stop, I beg you."

The Sage had a keen sense of danger. You could also call him a coward.

"I don't mind. Rather, I'd be happy to talk openly about my darling and our bedroom—"

"Wait a minute! You are to talk about how you met and your love! We don't need to hear about your lust!"

"No, it's all LOVE. That is LOVE, this is LOVE, lust is also a part of LOVE."

"Stop saying unnecessary things, old man!!"

"Tsk. Kurarin, I don't want to be called an old man by an old man."

The cute old man and the beautiful old man were having a quarrel. Somehow, it was quite soothing.

"So, is Darling going to talk?"


"I'm looking forward to it."

"......... Honey."

"What is it?"

The Sage turned pale, then red.

"Are you planning to listen too?"

"Rosarin-chan, surely you won't exclude me, right? You won't leave me out, will you?"

"Of course not! In fact, you hearing the Sage's love story will give us even more love power! Two birds with one stone!!"

TheSage squatted down.

"You're definitely enjoying this, you devilish disciple!"
"Well, can you really say that to someone who knows all about your bedroom affairs?"
"You devil!!"

The Sage cried. And then he resigned himself and began to talk.

It was sweet and sour. While Rabisha-chan's story was also sweet and sour, hearing about how the lonely Sage was drawn to his lady was like listening to a very pure love story. Since I already knew some of the backstory between Rabisha-chan and the others, it might have been fresher because of that.


Even the lady was moved to tears.

"Although I'm always too shy to say it, I love you more than anyone else, honey. Meeting you and having our child has made me unbelievably happy."

The Sage gently took his lady's hand and kissed it. It was such a touching story... However, I couldn't help but notice that Kurarin was getting younger behind me.

Kurarin had turned into a kindergarten style, but with the same face. Is she trying to say the Sage is trying to look young?? What does it mean? Because her face remained Kurarin's, there was an odd sense of incongruity.

"Rosarin, we shouldn't disturb the two lovebirds. Let's go."


We decided to gather more love. The love between the sage and his lady was a white and sky-blue marble.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106597410


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