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To the Venue of Human Trafficking
I was wearing a ragged cloak and didn’t look like a noble, but Sister Emilia was a beautiful girl.
Moreover, she had sneaked out in her castle attire, which wasn’t good.

After discussing with Mr. Mr. Kernel, we decided to borrow Orlan's clothes.
Since I couldn’t watch her change, Orlan took sister’s hand and led her into the ruins.

After a while, Sister Emilia reappeared with Orlan, now dressed like a commoner.
Then, she pinched her chest in front of me, prompting Orlan to glare at her with murderous intent.

“Why did I have to change? It’s a bit tight and uncomfortable around the chest.”


Sensing an impending argument, I took Sister Emilia’s hand and started walking.

Mr. Kernel walked ahead of us, while Orlan followed silently behind.
We turned several corners in the alley before arriving at a run-down building.
In front of it, several rough-looking men were loitering, seemingly on guard.

Mr. Kernel raised a hand as if greeting acquaintances.

“Hey there, thanks for the hard work. Let us through, would you?”

“Ain’t that old man Mr. Kernel? What brings you to a place like this? It’s not where you’d usually be.”

“Look behind me and then speak.”

Mr. Kernel grinned and pointed at Emilia and me with his thumb.
The man’s face lit up with a smirk as he glanced at us.

“Oh, I see how it is. You’ve got yourself some fine ones. Go on in.”

The men stepped aside, apparently misunderstanding something, but it didn’t matter as long as we could get through.

We passed through the men and entered the building, heading down a staircase.
I walked beside Mr. Kernel as we descended.

“What was that about?”

“Those men outside? They must have thought I was here to sell you two. There’s no getting in here without making them think that.”

So that’s why Orlan sent for me.

We walked down the stairs, through a dimly lit corridor with sparse magic lamps, until we reached a metal door.
Mr. Kernel handed out masks to cover our faces before knocking on the door.

A peephole slid open, and after a moment, the door opened.
Inside, it was so dark we could barely see.
We bumped into people as we walked, indicating the presence of many around us.

Mr. Kernel continued walking confidently towards some destination.
I held Sister Emilia’s hand tightly to avoid getting separated and followed Mr. Kernel closely.

Suddenly, a stage lit by bright lights appeared in front of us.
Mr. Kernel, standing next to me, gave a sly grin.

"Those who were kidnapped here are put up for auction. It's safe to assume that everyone here is somehow connected to the Spider.”

As I looked around after hearing those words, the figures of people wearing masks became clear.
There were approximately two hundred of them.

Are all these people here to buy kidnapped children and girls?!

There are also others involved in the kidnappings.

To think that all of them have ties to the Spider organization...
The darkness in the Capital runs deep, and the Spider’s network is vast.

Lost in my thoughts, my hand was tightly squeezed.

"Ian, stay focused. This is enemy territory, after all."

When I glanced at Sister Emilia next to me, she nodded emphatically and smiled to reassure me.

Even though we hadn't communicated our purpose for being here today, it seemed Sister Emilia had sensed something.
Her intuition was sharp, as expected of my older sister.

Feeling relieved by her expression, I shifted my gaze to the stage.
The emcee was calling out children and girls one after another.

Each time, the naked children and girls were shackled and made to stand in the center of the stage.
People with masks raised their hands, competing to bid and drive up the prices.

The children and girls on the stage cried out for help, but no one responded.

Watching this, a simmering rage boiled within me.

I couldn't tolerate such atrocities!

I wanted to unleash the power of the Assassin right now and wreak havoc on everyone around me.

But before I could act, someone firmly grasped both my shoulders.

"Not yet. Stay calm."

A bell-like voice whispered in my ear, and when I turned, Orlan, wearing a mask, nodded silently.

In the next moment, my arms were squeezed with a vice-like grip.

"We need to endure this. Be patient."

Glancing at Mr. Kernel beside me, I saw him trembling with frustration.

Right... Our purpose today wasn't to cause chaos in this venue.

Rampaging would be easy, but doing so would jeopardize the valuable lead to the Spider organization.

Besides, it would put Mr. Kernel, Orlan, Sister Emilia, and me in danger.

Taking a deep breath, I regained my composure.

On the stage, children and girls continued to be sold, one after another.

I won't forget this sight.
No matter how long it takes, I'll crush the Spider!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105856985


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