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As a result of the gathering of power.
The curse of Duke Carlisle's son was also resolved, and Duke Carlisle expressed great gratitude.

"Ojisama, what about my request?"

"Oh, the reward, right? I've prepared the formal documents for it. If you need anything else, just let me know. We might have been on the verge of ruin without your help."

Duke Carlisle understood the terror of the curse better than anyone.

"There might be a request for you to attend a gathering."

"Ah, understood. Anything else?"

"If we are ever in trouble, please help."

"Haha, of course."

As we laughed amiably, Duke Carlisle's son burst in.

"... Why are you so familiar with my father, Miss Rosarin!?"

"We used to work together."

"Because we used to work together."

We used to have tea in the Prime Minister's office. Both my Father and Milfi’s Papa quickly prepared the documents. Next up was the Royal Castle.

Although I could enter Alphage-sama's place with just a pass, is it okay like this? Isn’t this problematic from a security standpoint?

"Hello, Miss Roasrin."

"These are documents from the three dukes and a project proposal."

"... Okay. That'll be fine."

"If possible, this time..."

"It's fine. I owe you, Miss Rosarin. Both me and my Father benefit from this."

Alphage-sama graciously accepted.

In a certain room in the Royal castle, His Majesty the King, Alphage-sama, Aldin-sama, the three dukes, Dirk, myself, the Headmaster of the Sylvester Magic Academy, and the Headmaster of the Royal Magic School gathered.

"We appreciate your time amidst your busy schedule."

"No, if it's Your Highness Alphage’s command, I will go wherever it takes."

"Hiiaaaauu!? N-not at all! Thank you for inviting us!"

The Headmaster stumbled over his words. It's understandable to be nervous in the presence of high-ranking nobles and royalty, but he needs to calm down. Count Sylvester, the Headmaster of the of Sylvester Academy, seemed more at ease.

"Now, the reason we've gathered here is none other than to discuss the Royal Magic School's advanced placement system."

After confirming everyone's understanding with nods, Alphage-sama continued.

"I've personally experienced it, and it's a fantastic system. Sylvester, why doesn't your school implement it?"

"We value tradition at our academy."

"Speaking of tradition, it sounds good, but it's quite outdated, isn't it?"

I smiled sweetly, radiating charm.

"Do you have any opinions, Miss Rosarin?"

"Yes, Alphage-sama. Honestly, the curriculum at the Royal Magic School is more advanced than Sylvester's."



Headmaster, why are you so surprised? Keep your head up.

"For example, regarding etiquette and manners, Sylvester only teaches those of our own country. Most nobles are made to do things that should be common sense. While it's inevitable for commoners to learn things they weren't taught before at the Royal Magic School... I don't think it's necessary for noble classes to cover material almost identical to servant classes."


"Furthermore, the Royal Magic School also incorporates practical manners from other countries. Honestly, the level of arithmetic and foreign languages is higher than at Sylvester's."


"Moreover, there are internships with the Knights Order, merchants, and the Magic Institute. Don't you think that contributes to nurturing future talents?"

"Also, despite advocating for equality, there are cases of bullying and violence from noble-class students towards servant-class students. Some teachers turn a blind eye to it, probably because of their titles."

"... Is that so?"

"The student council at the Royal Magic School took care of that. It was merit-based, and it's not uncommon for a commoner to be the student council president."

Sylvester, the Headmaster, grimaced in anger. But even so, he remained composed. It was almost admirable.

"... Did you call me here just to belittle us, the Sylvester Magic Academy?"

"Not at all? I'm not that idle, Count Sylvester."


"Sylvester represents an old-fashioned school. But, it's too rigid. However, if Sylvester can make some improvements, don't you think others will follow suit?"

A cold smile suited Alphage-sama well. It was a chilling smirk, exuding overwhelming charisma.

"... Yes."

To an ordinary person, there's no choice but to agree under such intimidation. Even Headmaster Sylvester, found himself nodding along.

"Right. Well, let's cut to the chase. I want Sylvester and the Royal Magic School to enter into a joint management agreement for a while."



"I've worked out a plan here. Sylvester can learn from the Royal Magic School's methods and establish connections with organizations like the Knights Order and the Magic Institute. The Royal Magic School, in turn, can learn management techniques from Sylvester. Count Sylvester's managerial skills are so efficient that I myself could learn from them. The servant system is also a model worth emulating."

"It's not necessary."

"Well, in that case, I guess there's no other choice. Here."

"This is..."

Up until now, Duke Carlisle, who had remained silent, handed over an envelope. Huh? This wasn't in the script??

"A... withdrawal notice?"

The contents of the envelope turned out to be a withdrawal notice for his son. Duke Carlisle winked at me discreetly. Oh my, that mischievous uncle of mine! How charming!

"What a pity."

My Father also handed over an envelope. Huh? The old men... are in cahoots?? My Father also gave me a sly wink. They're all in on it! Father is also so cool!

"That's right, what a pity."

Duke Laurel also handed over an envelope. Whaaat?? Duke Laurel also winked mischievously. Hey now! You got me there! It's hard to hold back the laughter!

"Well, there's no helping it."

And even His Majesty handed over an envelope. Oh, his smile is just like Alphage-sama's! He and the three dukes had the expression of naughty children who successfully pulled off a prank. They're a bit mischievous, aren't they? They're all wonderful!

"I-I can't believe..."

Headmaster Sylvester, checked the envelopes. His complexion was getting worse and worse. Wait, we were supposed to be expelled verbally... Nice props!

"What a shame. Count Sylvester, you're welcome to leave now. We have to approach other schools urgently."

"Hehe, there's no helping it. If word got out suddenly that the Royalty and Ducal families all withdrew, it would surely cause a scandal... With the managerial skills of Headmaster Sylvester and the traditions of your esteemed academy, it shouldn't collapse, right?"

"Huh? Could it collapse?"

Prince Aldin tilted his head in confusion.

"W-We... our school is currently facing such a crisis... We have support from the country, so we're managing to hold on somehow, but... Honestly, the void left by the departure of His Highnesses and the Ducal families is too large... It's not just a matter of bad reputation; other nobles are also transferring out rapidly... It's definitely going to be tough..."

Well, Headmaster, I'm really sorry, okay? But, nice assist! Headmaster Sylvester turned as pale as a sheet!

"Please... wait... I'll... I'll accept this offer."

Headmaster Sylvester admitted defeat. And then, he burned out.

"Well then, shall we get into the specifics? The Bartons can leave now. I wanted everyone to hear both from a student’s and faculty member’s perspective, so you had to be present. Now, let's hash out the details. I've already prepared some measures."


"Well then, excuse me."

"Excuse me."

What Alphage-sama said just now was, 'Honestly, even though you claimed to be the one in charge, you ended up doing most of it, didn't you? I'll take care of the rest, so you can go home now.' Good luck, Headmaster of the Royal Magic School and Headmaster Sylvester.

And, apparently, the two disheartened individuals were seen at the Royal palace later on... Alphage-sama managed to establish a joint management agreement between the two schools on this day and even set a deadline for the advanced placement system.

Alphage-sama, you're amazing. My choice was spot on... no, it was absolutely perfect.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106207942


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