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Vagabond Mr. Kernel
A week had passed since Sister Emilia and I ventured into the city.

The attack on us had mobilized the city's guards, but they hadn't uncovered any significant information about the Spider.

According to Lyshiria, they would continue gathering information on Spider.

One evening, after finishing dinner, I slipped into bed early and waited for midnight.

When the time came, I quietly got out of bed, donned my adventurer-style leather armor and a hooded cloak, and cautiously checked the hallway for any signs of life.

Once I confirmed there was no one around, I activated my Assassin’s Blessing to silence my footsteps and headed to the first floor of the castle.

I considered using the hole in the wall, but I didn't want to risk being caught by Sister Emilia again, so I decided against it.

With the Assassin's Blessing activated, I could easily leap over the high castle walls and descend silently.
I used this ability to vault over the walls and sprinted toward the city.

In the Capital, I walked slowly along the main street.

There were few people out at this hour, and the occasional ruffian with some fighting experience walked by.
I pulled my hood low and used my Assassin's Blessing to avoid their notice.

From the taverns lining the main street, I could hear the laughter of patrons enjoying their drinks, despite it being close to closing time.

In the narrow alleys branching off from the main street, I saw drunk men and women passed out, and vagrants rummaging through trash.

Tired of walking, I turned into a side alley to rest in the darkness.
Suddenly, a voice called out from beside me.

"What is a child doing out alone at this hour? It's past midnight. You should be home in bed."

Turning towards the voice, I saw a vagrant leaning against the wall, drinking from a keg.

How did he notice me when I had hidden my presence?

Curious, I spoke to the vagrant.

"Aren't you drinking too much, mister? Shouldn't you go home instead of worrying about me? Your family must be worried."

"Hmph, cheeky for a kid. I have no family. If I did, I wouldn't be a vagrant in this alley."

His hair was disheveled, his clothes tattered, and he smelled bad. Definitely a vagrant.

I walked over and sat beside the vagrant.

"Have you been living here for a long time, mister? Do you know a lot about the city?"

"I've been a vagrant in the Capital for a long time. I know everything about this city, from the butcher's affairs to the tavern girl's underwear."

"Wow, you're really knowledgeable. I don't know much about the city, so I snuck out to learn more."

"You little rascal. You'll never become a decent person like this. Not that I'm one to talk. Hahaha!"

The vagrant laughed heartily. Perhaps he was lonely in the dark alley.

For a while, I kept the vagrant company, listening to his stories.

The vagrant's name was apparently Kernel.

He used to run a trading company, but it went bankrupt before I was born, and his family scattered, leaving him as a vagrant.

It seemed like Kernel had a complicated past, so his story was probably not entirely true.

Kernel often scavenged behind restaurants and taverns in the Capital, so he knew which places served the best food.

It was surprising to find such a gourmet vagrant.

Kernel was well-versed in the Capital's nightlife and had many acquaintances.

Feigning innocence, I asked Kernel some questions.

"You know a lot about the night city. Are you also familiar with the crimes that happen here?"

"Of course. Walking through the streets, I hear about who did what crime."

"Do you know anything about a group called Spider?"

"Kid, where did you hear that name? It's not something a child should be saying."

Upon hearing the name, Kernel narrowed his eyes with a serious expression.
He might have become a bit wary.

I scratched my head playfully.

"My acquaintance works as a patrol guard. I overheard him talking with his colleagues about it, and I got a bit curious."

"You're a strange kid. I'll give you one piece of advice. If you want to live peacefully in the Capital, stay away from the Spider. Their network is larger than the Kingdom’s. If they target you, there's no chance you'll survive."

"I didn't know they were that dangerous. Thanks for the warning."

I pretended to be completely ignorant and smiled.

Seeing my reaction, Kernel shook his head with a sigh.

"Don't stick your nose into everything out of curiosity. I don't know whose kid you are, but go home."

With that, Kernel stood up and staggered away with his keg towards the main street.

It didn't seem like I'd get any more information from Kernel tonight.

From our conversation, I realized that despite being a vagrant, Kernel was a good person.
I wanted to hear more about the Capital, so next time, maybe I'll bring some alcohol as a gift when I visit him.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105411149


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