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Seeking Information
I, my Sister Emilia, and Lyshiria visited the Cassel Merchant Association building to seek information about the Spider.

In the third-floor office, I requested President Cassel to provide information.
In response, President Cassel made a troubled expression.

"Information about what seems to be the organization called Spider often comes from merchants and merchant companies traveling within the Kingdom. However, many of these are false rumors, and much of the content is unclear."

"So, President Cassel, you also don't know the true nature of the Spider?"

"Yes. However, underground gambling dens where ruffians gather, black markets dealing in stolen goods and human trafficking, are said to be connected to the Spider. The ruffians staking out territories in the towns might have more detailed information about the organization."

Even in the Kingdom of Critonia, the institution of slavery exists.

I know that people who incur debts or commit crimes become slaves, but I've never actually met a slave before myself.

Human trafficking implies that young children and women are being kidnapped and sold.
If Sister Emilia and I had been caught, we might have been sold by the organization.

I can't forgive innocent children and women being caught up in crime.

As I pondered this, Lyshiria noticed my expression and narrowed her eyes.

"No, you can't. The Spider is under the jurisdiction of the various guard units. Prince Ian, please don't do anything reckless."

"But knowing that crimes are rampant in the Kingdom, we can't just pretend we don't know and stay silent."

"This is not a matter for the Royal family to involve themselves in. Leave the organization to us."

Sister Emilia and Lyshiria faced off, glaring at each other.

I showed my palm to Lyshiria.

"Yes. We'll leave the Spider to you, Lyshiria. As members of the Royal family, we can't act hastily."

"Then, I will start gathering information about the Spider. If we obtain any significant information, I will inform you, Prince Ian."

"Thank you."

I smiled at President Cassel's proposal.

Beside me, Lyshiria looked exhausted, but I chose to ignore it.

After chatting with President Cassel for a while, the three of us left the Cassel Merchant Association building.

Although I wanted to enjoy more of the city, Lyshiria nagged us, so Sister Emilia and I returned to the Royal castle.

Upon our return, Prime Minister Sylberg and Brother Roland were waiting, having realized we had sneaked out.

Then began a long scolding from both of them.
Prime Minister Sylberg’s terrifying expression was scary, but Brother Roland's cold smile was even scarier.

The day after we snuck out of the castle, I headed to the guest room in the castle's annex.

When I knocked and entered the room, Prince Adolf, the seventh prince, tilted his head upon seeing me.

"I can't believe Prince Ian has come to visit me. What brings you here?"

"I've heard that a criminal organization called Spider is running rampant in our Kingdom. I wanted to know if it's the same in the Bardhain Empire. Do you know about the Spider, Prince Adolf?"

"Ah, yes. Spider is involved in various crimes within the Bardhain Empire as well. I haven't been directly involved with the issue, but I've heard stories from the soldiers at the Imperial castle. Rumor has it that it's a transnational organization, but its true nature remains elusive."

So, the Spider exists in the Bardhain Empire too.
It seems they haven't grasped the full extent of the organization there either.

Hearing Prince Adolf's words, I shrugged.

"I'm trying to gather information about the organization, but it's all just unreliable rumors."

"Why are you interested in the Spider? It's not something a member of the Royal family should be involved in."

"When we went out to the Capital, Sister Emilia and I were attacked by ruffians. I found out about the Spider from the patrol guards and got a bit curious."

"Princess Emilia was attacked?! Take me to the ones who were captured right now! I'll personally behead them!"

Upon hearing that Sister Emilia was attacked, Prince Adolf stood up from his chair, enraged.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he was completely furious.
It seems it's true that Prince Adolf has feelings for my sister.

I should probably avoid mentioning any danger that my sister encounters to Prince Adolf in the future.

The agitated Prince Adolf spread his hand with a determined expression.

"I'll write a letter to the Imperial castle immediately. I'll order the imperial soldiers to gather information about Spider. We'll track down the organization and annihilate it. They'll regret ever harming my beloved Princess Emilia."

A dark, negative aura seemed to emanate from Prince Adolf's body.
I might have consulted the wrong person…

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104892779


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