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Making a Pattern for the Dress
After talking with Young lady Kou, I gained a much deeper understanding of her preferences.
Young lady Kou seems to be quite fond of new things.
She showed a lot of interest when I talked about mermaid line dresses and Empire line dresses.
In that case, let's start by making those dresses.
Now, how do I go about it...

"Hmm, when it was just a game, I had system assistance, so I managed somehow. But it's hard to draw it all by myself."

That said, this job is pretty confidential, so I can't really talk to others about it.
The girls from the Wildcat Claws know about it, but making it to suit them would be off the mark.
So, what should I do?

"When in doubt, turn to the Goddess's book, I guess?"

I took out the Goddess's book and looked through the list of clothes.
I noticed that there was now a section on dresses that hadn't been there before.
It's convenient, but why is that?
Is it because I'm growing and learning more, or does it update based on my needs...?
Anyway, as long as it shows me how to make it, that's what matters.

"Mermaid line dress... Wow, this is more difficult than I thought."

The line clings tightly to the body, so the fabric is divided into complex pieces to match that.
But, with the Goddess's example, I should be able to manage!


… I managed to finish the sketches over three days.
Additionally, it took three days for the Empire line dress.
Now I understand why dresses are so expensive.
They're not just regular clothes; they're a collection of intricate parts.
Even with a reference, since the scale isn't the same, I had to enlarge it by hand, which was the most challenging part so far.
But thanks to that, it turned out wonderfully!
Let's go show Young lady Kou right away!

"Wait, the dresses are already done?"

"Yes! I finished two dresses: a mermaid line dress and an Empire line dress!"

"Well, isn't dressmaking supposed to take several days? Aren't you pushing yourself too hard?"

"I'm not pushing myself too hard. But I might be a bit sleep-deprived."

"Oh, honestly! After the fitting, make sure to get some rest!"

Due to Young lady Kou's orders, I ended up resting earlier than usual that day.
By the way, it seems she preferred the mermaid line dress.
However, because there will be dancing at the party after the ceremony, she noted that dancing in this dress might be difficult.
Indeed, with this dress, which barely allows one to move their legs, dancing might be impossible.
Hmm, this is where the skill of a dressmaker shines.
I'll think about how to solve this later.
For now, let's go to sleep.
I don't want to risk getting scolded by Young lady Kou again.


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