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Chatting with Kou
With the old man of the Jagant Trading Company gone, we started discussing Young lady Kou's dress in detail.
However, it seems that Young lady Kou doesn't particularly like dresses.
I wonder why?

"You see, dresses are hard to move in. I don't like how panniers forcefully expand them either."


"I also hate long skirts. I always end up stepping on them when I walk."

"Isn't that something you can manage with practice?"

"That's a separate issue."

Hmm, Young lady Kou seems to have quite a unique perspective.
I need to understand her preferences better to avoid problems in making the dress.
Speaking of which, what was her previous dress like?

"My previous dress? It was just an ordinary dress, neither good nor bad."

"Was it?"

"Dresses are all pretty much the same, aren't they? Or do you mean there's such a thing as an unusual dress?"

Ah, I see.
All the dresses I've seen in this world are like the ones princesses wear in fairy tales from my previous world.
Maybe making a different kind of dress would make her stand out?

"I can make unusual dresses. In fact, I might not be able to make an ordinary dress."

"Oh, that sounds interesting. Make me a dress that will make a big impression at the party after the ceremony!"

"A dress that makes a big impression?"

"Yes! That party is also where I'll choose my future husband. I'm the eldest daughter of a marquis family with no male siblings, so I'll inherit my Father's title as a female marquis. I need to choose a husband who can support me."

I see, it's for choosing a husband.
That sounds tough.
Wait, in these situations, isn't there usually a fiancé already decided...?

"A fiancé? Oh, I broke it off with him. He had an affair with the third daughter of some viscount family. They’re probably happily living in the countryside somewhere now. He was disowned by his family too, so I have no idea what he's doing now."

Wow, that's quite a dramatic story.
But that makes finding a husband even more challenging, right?
How does that work?

"Well, it's more like selecting candidates. I'll meet people at the party, then investigate them to make sure there's nothing suspicious before starting a relationship."

"Is that how it works with nobility?"

"Pretty much. Even making friends isn't easy. If the parents' factions are opposed, it doesn't matter if the kids get along."

Nobility seems tough.
But Young lady Kou talks about it so casually.
She seems like a nice person.
We agreed to discuss the dress design after I draw some rough sketches, and then I showed her the Lumite Grand Wing.

Young lady Kou was thrilled to see a magic vehicle of this size for the first time.
Although we couldn’t go anywhere in it, she seemed to have a great time.
I feel like we’ve gotten much closer, so I’m determined to do my best with her dress.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104839903


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