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To the Vardmoi Mansion in the Capital
Once the loading and unloading of the cargo were finished, it was finally time to head towards the Vardmoi residence.
It was fortunate that Alizée knew the location as well.
The large mansion, the Vardmoi residence, seemed to be situated near the noble district after entering from the commoner district and coming close to the Royal castle.
There was enough space in the mansion's grounds to park the Lumite Grand Wing.
Ah, so that's why we used the Lumite Grand Wing to bring the two of them here.

Alizée parked the Lumite Grand Wing in front of the gate and showed a letter from Marquis Vardmoi to the gatekeeper.
One of the gatekeepers, upon confirming that it was indeed a letter from Marquis Vardmoi, promptly opened the gate leading to the parking space for magic carriages.
Impressive quick judgment.
Now, we just needed to park the Lumite Grand Wing there.
With this, the main part of the mission was probably finished.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lily. The journey here turned out to be surprisingly comfortable."

"Thank you, Lady Harriet. What should we do next?"

"First, please come with us into the mansion. We'll settle the payment for this task. Also, there's an additional request I'd like to make."

"An additional request?"

"I'll explain later. Ah, the mansion's maids are coming out. Let's go."

As Lady Harriet said, knights and maids emerged from the mansion.
They surrounded the Lumite Grand Wing, standing guard with their backs to the vehicle.
First, Alizée descended, followed by Lady Harriet being escorted, and then little Bern was helped down.
We followed after them.
The knights and maids escorted Lady Harriet and little Bern back into the mansion in the same protective formation.
We were also guided inside by one of the maids.

In the reception room within the Vardmoi residence, Lady Harriet and little Bern, who had changed clothes, arrived.
Lady Harriet then proceeded to pay us for this task.
Now, what could this additional request be?

"As for the additional request, I'd like you to make a dress for my eldest daughter, Kou, to wear at her graduation ceremony."

"A dress? Doesn't the Marquis have a personal tailor or someone for such tasks?"

"He did, but they disappeared recently. The dress they were making also went missing, and despite searching, it couldn't be found. We've just received a report about it. If we commission a regular tailor now, it won't be ready in time. Could you please take on this task?"

Hmm, it's presented as a request, but it's hard to refuse, isn't it?
I don't intend to refuse, but what kind of dress would be suitable?
Since the dress they were making is also missing, we'll have to start from scratch.
Now, what should we do?

As I pondered over the type of dress, there was suddenly commotion in the corridor, and the door opened abruptly.
On the other side of the opened door stood a young girl.
She seemed to be around the same age as me or slightly younger.
Could this person be...?

"Mother! What is that vehicle!?"

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104516028


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