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Catastie Day 2: At the Embassy of the Darshe Principality
Under Ditta's guidance, we toured the embassy.
There were luxurious vases and paintings, but most of the items were furnishings like armor, helmets, and swords.
I was told that these items were actually usable in times of crisis.
I'm not sure about the previous world, but in this world, embassies seem to serve as frontline bases of sorts.
And Ditta seemed strong, too.

We were then taken to the reception room, where today's negotiations will take place.
It's more of a preliminary negotiation, and it doesn't have to reach a final decision.
The actual negotiations will be conducted between the Vardmoi’s Trade Guild and the embassy of the Darshe Principality in the future.
We're just the first step.

"Now, let's clarify what we want in today's negotiations. The Darshe Principality wishes to import more salt and Mana Spider Silk from the Vardmoi Trade Guild."

As expected, Mana Spider Silk came up as a topic.
But what about the salt?
I was curious, so I asked.
It turns out that much of the salt produced in the Darshe Principality is of poor quality.
Therefore, they are looking to import high-quality salt from overseas.
It seems they're quite troubled, even considering imports from across the sea.

"As for the Vardmoi’s Trade Guild, salt shouldn't be a problem. However, Mana Spider Silk is a highly sought-after luxury item by others as well. We cannot promise an increase in export volume easily."

Alizée also found the production of Mana Spider Silk challenging.
Even if I can produce more Mana Spider Silk than before, it's up to the Vardmoi Trade Guild to decide where to sell it.
I'll trust Alizée on that.

"I see. Just getting concessions on salt is sufficient. I just wanted to convey our wishes regarding the Mana Spider Silk."

"I appreciate your understanding. However, are you really in such dire straits regarding the salt supply?"

"Yes. We cannot produce high-quality salt in the seas of the Darshe Principality. We are investigating the reasons on a national scale, but it will take decades to see results. In the meantime, importing salt is essential to prevent starvation among our people."

"I see. What about rock salt?"

"We are researching rock salt as well... but reports indicate that it contains too many harmful minerals other than salt."
Wow, that sounds tough.
It seems the Darshe Principality has salt lakes within its borders, and the salt from there is fine, but it's not nearly enough to meet all the demand within the principality.
That's why they're prioritizing salt, which can be considered a strategic resource, in the negotiations.

"We should be able to handle the salt supply. Even if the country tries to interfere, the Trade Guild is independent and won't comply."

"That's reassuring. So, as an alternative trade item, red wine is a specialty within the Vampire territory. Could you consider this as the main option?"

"Oh my? What about the specialties of the other duchies?"

"Since I am also from the Vampire duchy..."

"Then, please arrange for the import of all the specialties from the seven duchies, centered around the Vampire duchy. Also, we would like to request permission to establish a Trade Guild in the Darshe Principality."

"A Trade Guild? That's not something I can decide on my own..."

"If there's a Trade Guild, transactions will proceed more smoothly. If possible, please contact the Prince and the other Dukes to discuss this."

"Understood. As for the salt trade volume, we'll wait until the responsible party is determined. For today, I would like to hold a welcome party. Would you like to attend?"

"Certainly. Lady Lily, you don’t mind, right?"

"Yes, of course."

I'm not in a position to refuse here.
The main dish served at the welcome party was a monster meat stew cooked in red wine, using the specialty red wine they mentioned.
It was made from a monster with meat similar to beef, which doesn't exist on this continent and was imported from the Darshe Principality.
The dish itself had tenderly cooked meat infused with the aroma of red wine, melting on the tongue.
The red wine served as a beverage had very little alcohol, almost like grape juice, but it was also mellow and delicious.
I was allowed to take home a couple of bottles of the wine I drank, and they also offered wine to Alizée as souvenirs.
Some of Alizée’s share was intended for trial use by the Vardmoi Trade Guild.
Mine wasn’t included in that, so I'll leisurely enjoy it.

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