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Catastie Day 2: The Reason the Catastie Trade Guild Wants Mana Spider Silk
"We want the Catastie Trade Guild to increase the import volume continuously because orders are pouring in from distinguished figures abroad."

"If we temporarily increase the imports, it might calm down for a while... but likely, more demands will follow."

I see.
So, nobles from another country are eagerly seeking Mana Spider Silk.
But, that doesn't concern me, right?
What should I do?

"I understand your point. However, that alone isn't a reason to increase the export volume of Mana Spider Silk exclusively for Catastie."

Ah, Alizée cut straight to the point.
She's really reliable at times like this.

"We acknowledge that. However, we are also under pressure from foreign sources..."

"Handling such pressure is where the skill of the Trade Guild comes into play. Moreover, merely purchasing a valuable item like Mana Spider Silk in bulk raises suspicions about its usage. I believe we should conduct thorough investigations, including tracing previously exported quantities. What do you think?"


"I have no rebuttal..."

Mana Spider Silk is actually a rare commodity that only circulates in small quantities each year.
It's becoming complicated because of me, who can easily mass-produce it.

So, should I limit the sales?
Apparently, that's not the solution either.
It seems Mana Spider Silk is crucial enough to be included in the trading lists of the Vardmoi Trade Guild.
Vardmoi’s branch, including Marquis Vardmoi himself, probably don't want to lose me.
I don't plan to leave, as it's a comfortable city for now.

Now, let's get back to the discussion of whether to increase the delivery volume of Mana Spider Silk.
While there's some sympathy, it seems Alizée also thinks we shouldn't increase the delivery volume too much.
We don't know how much the production of Mana Spider Silk will increase with the use of the Lumite Grand Wings in hunting, and if the production increases, other Trade Guilds will also take notice.
Then, there's no reason to favor only Catastie.
Of course, if Catastie offers a high price, the export volume might increase.
But based on the current situation, that doesn't seem likely.

"The production of Mana Spider Silk also comes with the risk of combat with dangerous monsters. While the actual combat is handled by our escorts, considering that Lady Lily, a merchant, also go to the battlefield, should be taken into account. Catastie cannot be treated as a special case."

"Is that so... Well, considering it from a merchant's perspective, that makes sense."

"We have also been a bit indulgent. If the increased production is successful, we will buy it at a higher price, so please consider it then."

The conversation flowed smoothly from there.
It seems this year's winter fishing season has been abundant, and the rapid refrigerated magic wagons shipping to Vardmoi are greatly appreciated.
Vardmoi is also seeing an increase in seafood consumption in households, and fish dishes are being served in restaurants.
It's truly a win-win situation.

Moreover, the purchase of kelp and wakame was appreciated.
They learned that seaweed, which used to be a nuisance in fishing, can be sold.
They started gathering it carefully to avoid damage.
High-quality kelp and wakame are bought at high prices, and the consumption of kelp and wakame has become more widespread in Catastie.
That's good news.

The dinner afterward ended in a friendly atmosphere, and it can be said that the visit to the Catastie Trade Guild was a success.
In the afternoon, it's the embassy of the Darshe Principality...
I wonder what they'll ask?
I hope I can be of help.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100772325


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