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Hey all,

It is ready! Plenty of bug fixing and improvements thanks to the feedback from our precious member-tier supporters, a new outfit for Maya and a new hairstyle are some of the things we managed to do this week.

Here are the changes coming to the build since the $25 testing version:


• Added 5 new sandbox sex animations, see the full list here
• Added outfit Exotic Dancer for Maya
• Added new hairstyle for Maya and Shey based characters


• Resolved Hyena, Spacedeer and Rabbits not spawning via T
• Resolved cum material being transparent
• Resolved broken image in VR
• Resolved camera offset in VR
• Resolved Old Wild Life Map teleporter line not working
• Sandbox editor: Resolved duplicating custom poser breaking control pop linkage
• Sandbox editor: Improved conversion between custom and default poser
• Sandbox editor: Look at now works with custom poser
• Sandbox editor: Resolved custom poser linking to the wrong set of control props if they have the same name. Notice: If you have a scene where this has happened, you need to manually update the control prop linkage in the posers “Custom” tab
• Sandbox editor: Resolved triggers placed during edit mode not working
• Sandbox editor: Resolved some selections not being added to the undo history
• Sandbox editor: Resolved undo poser settings resetting custom hand pose
• Sandbox editor: Resolved transform gizmo collision not updating when selecting multiple props
• Sandbox editor: Resolved shower and fireplace props not having sound
• Various improvements to characters
• Various improvements to physics
• Various improvements to animations
• Various improvements to levels

Known Issues:

• Due to DirectX 12’s on the fly shader compilation there will be significant lag spikes whenever new materials are loaded
• Fur is temporarily disabled due to incompatibility with Unreal Engine 5
• Setting animation speed and amplitude to zero causes sex toys to disappear
• Clothes textures will not fully load in the character creator
• Physics break if you scale characters in the sandbox editor

Here are the changes from the $25 build compared to the previous $10 build:


• Added 48 new sandbox sex animations, see the full list here
• Added Max x Scrof MaxTopBed sex minigame (28 animations)
• Added Maya x Chakkar Pillory sex minigame (19 animations)
• Added Maya x Djablo x Djablo Pillory sex minigame (15 animations)
• Added new character: Koodie, a cuddly and caring healer from Lake Village
• Added outfit Tuxedo for Maya, some Max and Sethro based characters, Bol, Ziad and Kral
• Added outfit Raider for Shey
• Added outfits Kooders, Straps, Blue Dress, Lingerie, Sci-Fi Citizen, Wench and Succubus for Koodie
• Added outfit Dress Elegant B for Maya
• Added outfit Towel for most Bol, Max and Sethro based characters and Ziad
• Added outfit Pirate for Mercer
• Added outfit Succubus Style for Maya and Shey
• Added outfit Red Dress for Kenda
• Sandbox editor: Added free posing to the character poser
• Sandbox editor: Added 3 new properties to Player Follower and Camera Follower props to allow you to choose whether they will follow position, rotation and scale
• Sandbox editor: Added eye offset controls to poser with options for individual control
• Sandbox editor: Added breast offset controls to poser with options for individual control (breast physics need to be disabled to use this feature)
• Sandbox editor: Added Vaginal/Anal spread sliders to poser for changing the size of the respective openings
• Sandbox editor: Added a bunch of Lake Village architecture props
• Added logic LODing for characters which decreases the CPU load if they are far away
• Added quality settings for Lumen Global Illumination and Reflection


• Converted New Wild Life map to use Unreal’s new World Partition system
• Resolved broken POV camera in sex scenes and poser
• Resolved penis staying tucked in when enabling an outfit’s sex variant
• Resolved crash when unloading level during sex minigame dialogue
• Resolved characters spawned with T not loading with the default preset if “Auto load default preset” is enabled in the game settings
• Sandbox editor: Facial animation can be split into upper/lower for more options
• Sandbox editor: Resolved sandbox characters falling through the floor in some cases if they are invisible
• Sandbox editor: Resolved rare crash when saving prop collection
• Sandbox editor: Resolved crash when using a Trigger Zone to possess a sex scene then dismounting it
• Sandbox editor: Resolved toggling “Show Extra Meshes” resetting sex scene playlist
• Sandbox editor: Resolved broken sandbox scene shares if file name has periods in it
• Sandbox editor: Resolved Trigger Zone and Teleporter not triggering on level load
• Sandbox editor: Resolved disabled extra meshes reappearing when changing sex pose settings in play mode
• Sandbox editor: Resolved reset button for Rotation Offset in sex pose settings not working
• Sandbox editor: Resolved a case when placing a prop collection where it would zoom towards the camera
• Sandbox editor: Resolved props attached to a character not duplicating correctly
• Sandbox editor: Resolved level settings not being added to the undo history
• Various improvements to characters
• Various improvements to physics
• Various improvements to animations
• Various improvements to levels

The builds are currently uploading to our hosting site and will be released once everything is synced up.

Thanks to all of you for another fruitful release and another couple of steps closer to the complete game.

-Wild Life Team



cant wait for this!


Nevermind my previous comment. My phone wouldn't let me scroll down that far. That and the human list is crazy long now. 😂


Yeah, sadly we werent able to do more due to svennis broken arm and me being on vacation :/ But hopefully the fullbody poser can mitigate that a bit :)


Hey no worries. Health first sexy times second. I am recovering from a broken wrist and broke thumb so I get it. I'm on vacation myself for it but tbh me being a business owner means I can say "I'm on vacation" whenever I need to. Take your time and don't let those idiots on f95 get to ya. (I saw the bs they are throwing about) Enjoy your vacation and well wishes to Svennis. Thumbs up from me 👍 since it's permanently for a while anyways

Fakey McFakerson

The only complaint I have- is clipping on some outfits have some major clipping during many animations (like lingerie for maya), any plans to address this?


And again, just like last version, Fatal Error on loading, game wont run .. Guess ill stop pledging ..


All contents removed from old mpa


Same here...can't get beyond the loading screen with the rotating skulls. *sniff*


If you get a fatal error please send the error report and dump files over, its the only way we can adress these crashes.


In my case there is no error report/screen message...even after 20min the loading screen is still showing the three skulls without any changes... Had to terminate the game with the task manager (Wild Life was "not responding"). I don't know what could be wrong...


Both of the maps are completely bare. It installed fine and i can get into the andboxes fine but there is no content. just barelandscape. villages and detail all gone. :(


The new Wild Life map should have village blockouts in varying levels of detail. We are constructing it over time and improving it with every release but it takes time.


can we please get more tentacle animations


When will we have another demo build? The sex is nice, but I want to do more combat and skill system testing. Also how is the story coming along?


I played the demo and they mentioned something about becoming kerpali will the main characters have the option to become a kerpali or not its been a nagging question in back of my head would be cool to choose to transform into a for or other creatures


The story mode is coming along well, the first set of quests for the open world might come as soon as the april build.


Thats something we have been considering to do towards the end of the game. But currently its not set in stone and depends on whether we will have the time to add that feature in.


awesome to know and thanks to you and whoever else is helping u work on this for all the hard work your putting into this :) everything looks amazing