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Welcome all!

The Member tier testing build for February is ready for you.

Please read this post for the changelog.

MEGA (Classic direct download link)

MEGA (Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

GDrive ( Link to Wild Life Game Launcher)

If the first startup of the launcher triggers a 'Windows protected your PC' message, click 'More info' and 'Run anyway ' .

The Wild Life launcher will take care of downloading from a custom server for you. This still doesn't include patching as we aren't quite there with that system yet, but it will download from a custom server so you don't have to deal with different confusing file hosts and their limitations anymore. Our goal is to run the entire build distribution via the launcher someday.

Additionally we are providing a download link on mega in case something is wrong with the launcher:  MEGA (classic direct link to the game)

Enjoy :)

-Wild Life Team


11.29 GB file on MEGA



awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yis ♥♥♥ Btw. would it be possible to upload the build also on G-Drive? Its a lot faster than MEGA. Or is it blocked by GD because some complience stuff?


Are you planning on implementing the option to create your own character from scratch, kind of like in the Sims 4? For instance, being able to choose Maya's skeleton for animation purposes, then select a masculine-shaped body & swap out the vocals for male vocals to create a transman. Or if not that far, just more customization options. Just curious :)