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Happy Friday!

It’s time for a new dev update :)

Discord Contest:

We are hosting a contest on our Discord server next week, everyone is welcome to join. Make an awesome sandbox scene around a specific topic (to be announced) and post them to our dedicated contest channel to enter. The exact details will be posted on Monday.

UE5: We finished merging the engine source and started upgrading the project.

Level: We started work on the Alpha Camp layout and the surrounding area. Project cleanup and folder structure reorganization is in progress. Warrior Village concepts are looking very cool too.

Code: Quite a bit is happening here so I'll post it as a list:
- Sex scene creator has an "Add all" button to add all animations to the queue and a "Randomize" button to shuffle the order of the animation queue

- Sex Scenes and Poses from Sandbox 1.0 and 2.0 are merged now, meaning everything placed outside of edit mode will also show up in the edit mode outliner

- Updated Sandbox 1.0 UIs to be more consistent to the edit mode UI

- You can switch from possessed poses / sex scenes in play mode directly to edit mode and back for quick editing

- Started work on placeable NPCs in edit mode (meaning all "T"-spawned character will also show up in the edit mode outliner)

- Added an on-screen sandbox key guide for new users

Character: A new monster is in the works: The Sandshark. It lives in the southern desert and burrows through the sands to take unsuspecting victims by surprise.

On the topic of hair we also have news. We updated one of the oldest hairstyles in the project and used the chance to try something new. Maya’s main hair is also getting a touch-over.

Awesome news for many of our fans of taller ladies: a new character based on Shey’s skeleton is being created. Shiva, a young hunter from the Warrior Village. She is very ambitious and constantly trying to push her limits wherever she can. You may encounter her roaming the wilds, always on the lookout for a bigger challenge.

Animations: Maya Locu is still in progress while the Max Lala minigame is complete and fully implemented. Currently doing some sandbox animations and gathering ideas for the next minigame. We are also continuing on the Gobbler animations.

Design: Our designers’ focus this week was on Alpha Camp and Warrior Village layouting. That includes NPC roles, routines and locations, spending some time developing the dialogues for the game start section as well as some early game quests.

That's it for now, thanks for all your awesome support,

-Wild Life Team




Big improvement for the guy's hair. Hoping to see more updated hair on the male side.


Hope there willl be thicc shey as well.

Seth Fagan

Awesome job.


cool, can I get link to the Discord? Can't find it, no link on Steam and one here doesn't take me to it. Every time I click on it just takes me to my settings.


when is the next release of UE5 game?


Hey. did you check the steps mentioned in here? https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron-


got it now, thanks it said was already connected. Had to disconnect then reconnect then it finally added it to my Discord.


Suggestion: Will there ever be a fattening feature in the future? Just like the muscle sliders, use it to add some fat to the body of players? I feel like they all, especially the women, look too ripped.

Shelby dartX

Hi everyone, First of all it's so impressive. The new woman Shiva is terribly sexy and has a beautiful face. Max and Maya's hairstyle are simply awesome.


I am simply overjoyed of the new hair. Thankyou so much for the focusing of the hair. Beautiful hair is going to add so much realism to the game. We talked about it here and there way back when and so here it is, asketh and ye shall recieve. Still hoping for a long down to the tailbone single rope braided ponytail for the Maya girls. Something like that would look good on the guys as well. Just can't wait for the next build. Have a good one. WarMallet.


Add the female Gym clothes !


What kind of ideas do you have for the next mini game?


Yes!, more footwear variation would be sweet too, heels, tennis, socks etc.


A drinking game


I really love this kind of romantic poses, and hope there will be lots of romantic moments it your game like this one. And it is cool to see the game is progressing. New hairs are ways better, mounsters are cool, eager too see more advancements ^^