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Following up on this post by our designer Brudi we have a question and a poll for you:

Should we publish our implemented WIP quests with the upcoming builds in the game world or wait until they reach a certain degree of polishing?

A more detailed explanation for the choices:

1. We would put all quests created directly in the world and release them as is. This will have them be very unpolished, missing cutscenes, sex minigames, combat encounters, potentially buggy, etc. and with non-final placement in the world for quick testing. Also this would mean some serious spoilers.

2. Same as above but instead of just having them there we would gate them behind a game setting that would be off by default so only users that choose to expose themselves to the quest in the aforementioned state will be able to play them.

3. We dont release the quests at all until they reach a certain level of polish that we define internally. This would mean that it would take considerably longer for quests to appear in the patreon builds but they would be in a state deemed "safe to publish".

Choose wisely,

-Wild Life Team


Kobei Son

3 finish everything first, don't rush it, we're not in a hurry. We all don't want the same situation like Cyberpunk 2077 haha


Hey Steve, u should try this poll again in another 3 months for the people who want to legitimately test the game?!(i say develop jussst a bit more) I was leaning hard toward option 2, but option 3 called. I think itll truly be test-worthy once there's more bits and pieces added to the quests, and less placeholder stuff, etc.


I’m fine with option three but with that said, all I care about is what is convenient for y’all with progress updates or releases in regards to your workload and advancement of the project. Whatever method is most beneficial and convenient for you guys, that’s all I care about. 😉💪🏻💯


Number 2 is the fairest selection for all. For everyone picking number 3 then just don't enable the quests. Others that want to can enable them. Its by choice not design where one group gets what they want and the others don't. I choose 2.


If Adeptus releases the quests prior to polishing it will give him more to work with because Patrons will let him know about any issues with the quests or make important suggestions that can greatly improve them. That’s the whole idea of “early access”.


there's 50% chance, 31% of patrons will switch to a different tier after this poll


Gotta say.. very impressed the developers continue to ask for feedback from members. Well done!


I’m torn between options 2 and 3. If it will help with development to include quests in early builds, for us to help with testing, then I would want it to be done in whichever way is best for the dev team. Either way, I think having the quests gated in settings before full release is a great way to accommodate all of your early players; and your fantastic communication with us will keep everyone informed as to what they’re opting in to or out of in those settings.


Based on the animations and what is known so far, I think you are already following a good direction. Minimally changing or improving a finished quest seems to me to be the more effective way to success. You will never be able to convince everyone, so you should implement your ideas and adapt them if absolutly necessary.


I think option 2 is the most beneficial one, you have the choice to opt-in live for a bit of early QA testing on the quests, and I think if it was chosen by the team that it would maybe help out the developers with people pointing out solutions that may not seem obvious just from a wider viewpoint than the dev team may have exposure to. I don't think option 1 is viable however imo


to be blunt and from my perspective, I would switch to the early access tier, just so I can get my hands on the prototype quests. Keep up the good work, this is next level shit you are doing


Number 2. Number 3 seems to be others telling those who want it you can't have it. If it's disabled by default, it's the same outcome for those who don't want anything and they can be happy. Those of us who want it will also be happy by turning it on.


I have not read anything and don't know anything. I say choice number 3 for me. I have no problem waiting for the very best/polished versions. Not sure how you will get any feedback from us patrons without any early unpolished releases though.