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Hey everyone,

We have new development updates and some info about our move to UE5 that we wanted to share with you today.

First things first.

UE5 Update: Immediately after the October release we will begin the upgrade to UE5. We estimate the process to take up significant time between October and December for all departments so there may not be as much new content as usual in the December version. Additionally we will be performing a project-wide cleanup pass for all assets (models, material, textures, etc). This could mean that older levels will no longer exist in the new version but we will share additional details about this next week when we had a chance to discuss options with the team.

Level: After finishing the pillar region cliffs we are now focusing on desert rocks shape design and modularity principles. We also made a rough blockout design for the Warrior Village houses and are making some design concepts for the Alpha Camp architecture.

Code: We optimized internal development tools for quest and dialogue design and started to work on the quest log journal for the story mode.

Character: The raptor model is finished and we already started animation. Next monster creature has already been started too - the Gobbler, more on him next week. A new human female character is also in the works: Dr. Grace Williams, chief physician of the Galactic Ranger expedition. You will most likely meet her in the Alpha Camp.

Animations: Continuing our work on the Maya x Minotaur and nearing completion on the Maya x Zuri minigame. Raptor animations are making good progress too.

SFW preview of one of the scenes in the Maya x Mino minigame:

Story: In continuation of last week’s theory course on quest design philosophy, this week we had an actual in-editor session learning the actual tools for quest and dialogue implementation. Our designers are also already very busy implementing the first set of quests and testing the system thoroughly.

That's it for now, thanks for all your awesome support,

-Wild Life Team






Would you be able to add the grass shown in the pic above as a usable asset in Sandbox. It looks thicker than the grass currently there. It's hard to make a really grassy field with it.


So if we've now got a female version of the minotaur skeleton with Tali, is there going to be a female version of the goats as well?


Any chance on a new character using the Shey skeleton for December?


Web need more outfits and high hills


More sex scenes, mmf and


Pole dance pose!


please let there be an eyebrow color slider


adding an older woman is interesting. love variety. also thanks for all the goat animations last build


so beeing a member wont give you any extra story mode apart from demo at all?


No, we are working on that story mode right now. Unless being a member can teleport you into a dimension where that is already finished :D

Sébastien Guyot

So many improvments are coming. This is really awesome. I got a question. What will happen to the sandbox once the game will be complete? i understand that the game will be a big open world rpg but I like having a sandbox to imagine my own adventures.


where can i download the game he ask for chose a place but idk where and he dont work so idk