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Welcome travelers!

We have been working on the game’s setting, lore and story for quite a while now and it is time we present it to you.

We will not spoil the main plot of the game with these, but spoilers concerning the setting and backstory are inevitable. So if you prefer to explore the world completely un-spoilered once the game is done, do not read any further!

Today, let's talk about…

Pearl Village

Village of Riches

You will already be familiar with the first iteration of this location, the demo level’s Fisher Village. Indeed, the coastal Pearl Village had, for the longest time, been a humble fishing settlement, much like Lake Village.

This changed, however, after the rise of Umbar, the new human capital. Along with the bustling city, the need for some form of universal currency soon arose. The mayor’s choice fell on rare pearls, which allowed the former fishers of Pearl Village to find a new occupation as pearl divers, right in front of their doorstep.

The chief of Pearl Village, a massive rhino Kerpali, quickly understood the power of trade and currency. It didn’t take long for him to establish the first trade caravans between settlements, transporting metal from the warriors, medicine and fish from the Lake village or grain and artisan products from Umbar.

Today, Pearl Village is the wealthiest of all the villages. The chief resides in the greatest house with his harem, hoarding riches and overseeing his business. Needless to say, diving for pearls in the lagoon without his permission is strictly forbidden now - hired protectors from the warrior tribe are keeping a close eye on it day and night.

The expedition will find Pearl Village to be a very welcoming place - after all, the chief senses an opportunity for a mutually beneficial relationship with the new arrivals.


That’s it for today - next time, we will tell you more about a different important location of Kerpal, so stay tuned! As always, thanks for your support and we hope you enjoy these little peeks into the lore of the game :)

- Wild Life Team




Excellent description and backstory of Pearl Village, the richest and most hospitable village. Thank you!


That look's so beautiful. 😍♥️


Hello? I just downloaded the $10 build and got an error when trying to unzip. "Not enough space on the Disk"? Help please.






Awesome , love the story progression goin on here . Always appreciate immersive elements 💯

New Frontiers

Wild Life improved my life. I'm very grateful to Adeptus Steve and the whole development team.


I liked this village, it looks great in the picture above. Thanks for sharing its story. Hope you have great week!


I have to say, your whole development team has done such a great job. I've been following your work for a while now and unlike many other developers, you guys truly have integrity. That's what gives me reassurances in supporting you guys through Patreon.


Funny, when this game is finished and go's live on steam I can just imagine for the people who will have never heard of wildlife will be stunned after they purchase and download it. The reviews will be fun to read.


love the lore updates , great work team!