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Welcome travelers!

We have been working on the game’s setting, lore and story for quite a while now and it is time we present it to you.

We will not spoil the main plot of the game with these, but spoilers concerning the setting and backstory are inevitable. So if you prefer to explore the world completely un-spoilered once the game is done, do not read any further!

Today, let's talk about…


Village of Outcasts

Near the entrance to the eastern canyons lie the remains of a smaller lizard city. Many of its ancient stone dwellings lie in ruins now, but while the lizards have long left, it is far from empty. After the war between the stranded humans and native lizards, it was abandoned for a while, until a handful of lesser cloven Kerpali, cast out by the warrior tribe, made it their new home.

Soon, Apoc became a haven for misfits, criminals and those holding a grudge against the other settlements. Being the runt of a village can be bitter for a young goat Kerpali - but when they band together as a group in Apoc, they can hold their own against anyone. With strength in numbers, they grow even bold enough to attempt the occasional raid on a trade caravan - much to the anger of the other tribes.

Humans and bigger Kerpali are not particularly welcome here, but the leader of Apoc is pragmatic in this regard - should it prove advantageous to him, the cunning goat Kerpali is willing to make exceptions. Those allied “Talluns” who live in Apoc certainly know better than to mess with the clovens.

Both Max and Maya will have to tread carefully while doing business in Apoc - Maya especially so, being a member of the disliked warrior tribe. The citizens may not be openly hostile, but are certainly looking for any opportunity to scam a naive visitor - or worse. More than one unwelcome guest has already found themselves thrown into the hole, a dried up cistern at the edge of the central place, that is used for keeping prisoners.

That’s it for today - next time, we will tell you more about a different important location of Kerpal, so stay tuned! As always, thanks for your support and we hope you enjoy these little peeks into the lore of the game :)

- Wild Life Team




Hey Steve, as far as animations go's it would be neat if two girls could swap a load while doing a threesome blowjob/kissing scene. One laying on her back as the bottom girl and the other on top drooling down in bottom girls mouth for a playful finish. All Maya girls would be the way to go for this one. Actually, it would look pretty badass in a minigame type setting.


It would be so nice for Shannon to have natural lips in next build, she's a good one. Got to say thanks for doing it for some other girls in this build. Is the making of two Alissa's due to giving her natural lips or is it something else?


I'll use Maya for instance. In custom I select lipstick/style and set lips to zero. Next I select skin/style and arrow over to skin number 3 her lips have a nice healthy natural skin color. Now arrow over to skin no.4 and her lips have a much deeper natural color which I like the best. In no.4 you can see the cracks in the lips which looks great on an 85in tv. No.11 the lips are about the same color as the skin but you can see the shinny gloss on them. Skin 12 and 14 are dark, rich and beautiful. Arrow over all the skins with lipstick style set at zero and they are all unique. Shannon's lipstick style for instance when set to zero with no color is simply a whiteish grey color/no natural lips possible.


The first Alissa top of list came with a dark red lipstick with no natural look when skin and lips set at zero. The new Alissa or 2nd one down on the list totally has the beautiful natural lip textures, each one different to match each individual skin selection in customs. The new 2nd Alissa looks great and is a fresh start. That is why I thought maybe natural unpainted looking lips may have had something to do with the 2nd addition of Alissa.


Needless to say, its nice to have natural lips on the girls as a choice for the closeup blow job animations. Shannon is one of my favorites and it would be so nice for her to have natural lips as is for all the girls, now and for all of the future ones yet to come. I think it also adds realism to the game.


Please don't get me wrong, I like all the lipstick options, they are really good and I do use them. Its just that I really, really like lips with a natural unpainted look the most. Maybe its because most of the women I was ever with in my life never used lipstick so that's what I'm used to. Just the same, if its not to much to ask please make the natural unpainted lipstick option in the lipstick zero setting for all the skins an available option in all of the future builds if possible. The thing is, is that natural lip textures already exist in the game except for some girls such as Shannon as an option.


Dr. lee for instance the newest girl is perfect with her lipstick zero setting natural lips option and looks for all skins. If you paint her lips, click ok and decide to go back to the lipstick zero setting natural look with no paint, you can do it and viola you now have the natural look back again any time you decide to do so at will, [perfection]. Now take leah for instance. When first spawned she as is has the beautiful natural look for each and every skin but as soon as you paint her lips and click ok you can no longer arrow back to the zero setting and get the natural lips back again, her lips are now a permanent dark red lipstick paint at the zero lipstick setting which is a bit frustrating. Anyway, I hope I'm not to much of a pain here. Thanks for listening. Old WarMallet.


Can guys get cock rings and thongs!?


Can you add First person camera to sex minigames?


Piercings would be awesome!


Could we please get some sethro x sethro x maya. You have to many sethro to not do this. Been waiting for this. We need threesomes for everyone! Also could you do a sethro x Ziad boobjob.


Hey Steve, most of everything I was saying about natural lip color is wrong. In order to have and keep natural looking base starter lips on Leah and Shannon its as easy as starting fresh with the given [Base] Leah and Shannon and merely just not messing with the lipstick at all and to just begin arrowing over all of the different skins, picking the one you want and work with it from there. You can do anything you want with the skin and hair but just leaving the lips alone and not changing them from the original zero setting will keep them for the save permanently. I can't believe I never thought of trying it before until tonight. Anyway there it is. It is interesting though that on the new dr. lee and Alissa you can change lipstick styles on the same save over and over anytime you want and at zero setting still be able to get the natural base lip color back.


[Pulse of the Earth • Shamanic Journey • Grounding to Mother Gaia • Purification Drumming]. This here sounds like something the tribal kerpalis would be playing in their camp during an orgy. It would be really nice to have something similar in the game for such events. For now just alt-tab and let it play.


Hey Steve this little score of music for instance would sound superb in the kerpali outback so here it is. [Mayan Music Playlist [Ultra Extended! 1hr 35!]. I don't know if you have any plans for mood music in the game but if you do that playlist has some good examples, some but not all. Jungle village music? Some of it a decent fit for different types of occasions or situations such as a feast or ceremony for example. Fun sounding music to say the least.


Yea, I listened to the whole Mayan music playlist while playing in jungle and it sounded like all of it was made for your jungle. Shannon and Leah move to it very nicely. P.s, I listen to it on y-tube, loop it and alt tab back to the game is how I listen to it. It sounds quite impressive and unique. Never really heard anything like it before.