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Hey everyone,

How was your week? We had a few artists on vacation this week so there is not much new visual content to show.

Level: We are doing some tests to find out how much detail on large rock and mountain assets is needed.

Sandbox 2.0: Now that asset and scene placement works, we are looking into the live editing of those things and fixing some bugs that are already starting to appear. Next up is the save scene feature.

Character: Originally we had planned to only release one test-implementation for the fur but it seems we are able to implement final-ish fur for all characters already. This will be an exciting topic to test in this upcoming build and we are looking forward to your experiences.

A new male scientist character is currently also in the works, here is a preview of the current face sculpt.

Animations: The Max Mercer minigame posing has been laid out and we will soon begin to animate the first loops and transitions.

Story: We have been spending a lot more time on story and setting this week, going into more detailed aspects of the individual camps and villages on Kerpal.

About the build: We aim for a release on the 25th of February for the member-tier ($25) testing version and the other tiers 1-2 weeks after that.

Have a great weekend and thanks for all your support as always!

Kind regards,

-Wild Life Team




Is another female kerpali character planned for the future?


Yes. Female Lizard is probably the next kerpali.


Awesome, I'm looking forward to seeing the new fur system in motion.


I'm hoping to see A deer/elk or a horse kerpali someday! But keep up the grate work it all looks awesome!


So the save scene feature is in this update or the next one? I'm confuse :o


Any chance for a centaur in the future?


As always, that...is another nice boulder. Giant 🤣seriously tho looking good, happy weekend!


<p style="color: #008600;">This all sounds really great! This new male scientist character looks good so far!</p>

The Big Derp

that fur holy crap :o *ahem* nice boulder, too!


That tall boulder looks cool and all so don't get me wrong but if I had me a hammer and chisel I could really form that into something a Wheeee bit naughty a little chip at a time if you know what I mean. Give Maya and the girls something to pray to in an old ruined temple. Just trying to do my part.


Steve got a Maya question. Will she eventually be able to control animals, like for instance, commanding a bird to scout an area and actually see through its eye's? Just an ability to mind meld with any animal as she see's fit. After all, she is quite different from all the others and might have yet one more unique ability which even comes as a surprise to her. An ability accidentally realized maybe? A useful one for sure.


Why does the new guy remind me of Zod from Man of Steel? XD Anyways, keep up the good work guys!


Dumb question, but how do you save in this game?


Hi, I'm having trouble downloading the game.. could I please get some help or some tips? It'd be much appreciated, as this looks like an amazing game to play.


With all the canyons, cracks and crevasse's not to mention the caves in the new world map, will there be spiders or anything like that? A big furry tarantula or wolf spider would make an unusual mount. Maya riding a big spider would look great. A mountable battle spider biting and shooting webs would be interesting to say the least,


Hey Steve/general question. Will we be seeing unreal engine 5 in this next build? If not, then about how many more builds would you figure full out ue5 will be working. Nanite tech will be great for your game. Are you shooting for the final game to actually be Pixar movie level? Y-tube vids sure make it look impressive for developers use. Got high hopes for your success. Have a nice day.


Hell no, you will know very clearly when we make the switch because it would be one of the biggest happenings of the year. The UE5 isnt even officially out yet and we will definitely not be moving on the 5.0 release.


Y tube vids make it an interesting subject. They were saying it will be like playing a game at Pixar movie level quality and showing what it actually do's or is supposed to do. That would be a trip.


I am loving the game so far, I noticed chakkar, gulrag, kral, and grok can have sex with themsleves, but not rawn. Will this be added later? I also would love to see more paw fetish themed animations &lt;3 Keep up the amazing work, loving it so far. Also I noticed Corbac only has sexual preference for humans, female kerpali and the bigger male kerpali, is that how he is? I would like him to be able to fool around with all the male kerpali if possible :3


Sure, the only reason some pairings dont have animations is because we didnt get to there yet :) But in the sandbox ideally everyone has some content with everyone else.


I look forward to seeing more paw fetish themed animations and sex animations :) They will be added in the Sandbox 2.0 update or no estimated time arrival?


Hello so I am new here and I would like to know which mode is best to try all sex position and possibilities etc


If you a 10$ supporter play the sandbox mode to experiment with all the current build features


Update Today?


I do play the Sandbox mode to experiment. Could not find a Minotaurus. Can someone tell me where i have to look for it? :-)


You can spawn him in using the T key, scrolling down to kerpali males and selecting Grok.


So wanna see a chubby character in this game.