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Hello everyone,

As the coronavirus situation continues to evolve, we know it is on everyone's minds...

So we believe it is important that we are taking steps to keep our team safe while still making sure the development is not coming to a halt.

Berlin is getting closer to a shutdown with each day and we cannot expect our employees to expose themselves and other people to the virus. We all must do our part to slow down the spread of the virus as to not overwhelm our healthcare systems.

Therefore, since this Monday, the whole team has been working from home. This will have an impact on our productivity, but we will do our best to keep this impact as small as possible with our carefully planned home office plan/strategy.

We hope that everybody stays safe and strong until we reach safe waters again.

All the best,

- Wild Life Team



Sound good, that's the best step/way you guys could take, since the safety of the people including the Wildlife team is more important. Thanks for the effort you guys are doing for us. Please stay safe and take all necessary measures for all of your well being!


An important message, do not sick please!

Theoretical Jack

I'd hate to see you guys catch covid. It'll suck major ass to upload finished stuff to a server/cloud, though, so I'll also wish you luck with that.


Willkommen im Homeoffice bleibt gesund😊


Your health is most important


keep yourself safe this is the only thing i hoping for ...wait youre Basement is in Berlin holy shit I'm here too xD


Hoffe ihr kommt gesund durch diese Zeit 🙏


Bleibt gesund und #BleibtZuhause! Wenn das Klopapier ausgeht, meldet euch, das kriegen wir in der Community schon gelöst ;-)


Be safe and do what is needed for the team.

Erwin Doppler

Das wichtigste ist das ihr auf euch aufpasst!


Sadly it may boost consumer interest when zombies and shooting are introduced in the game. As people will seek a way to relieve their stress and anxiety. Getting back to the game though. I have seen those V thongs that go over peoples shoulders at the beach in the last several years. I believe Rawn and Chakkar would make those thongs work well. I am not sure female wise.


Safety and Health comes first


luckily IT is not as much affected by remote work as many other jobs. My company also switched remote from this Monday and we use Mattermost to communicate (kinda like Slack / Discord). We have not observed significant drop in productivity


Be safe!


Why!! Dam yoi corona!!


Thank you for being responsible employers. Stay healthy and safe!


be safe all


Take care everyone, it is better for sure that in danger of something I wish you luck


Take every and all possible precautions needed for everyone in the team to stay safe! Sending much love and positive vibes to you all. The game can wait, your health is more important in a situation like this.


I hear you. My job at the last minute had everyone work from home. Stay safe, everyone.


The team's health is more important. Take care and be safe. <3


Yes, your anxiety is understandable and fully justified. Almost everyone is trying now to be at home and work from there (if there is an opportunity to do this and if you are not a medical worker)


Hey man, dont worry, having a game but not as fast is wayyy better than having no game because the team got fully incapacitated. My uni also shut down for another week so I have some time at hand and can play around a little, ive actually never really pushed the game :thinking: EDIT: Now that sounded bad. What im tryna say is: take care, dont expose yourselves if not completely necessary and stay safe my man