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Yo yo yo! 

Here is the release of the public build for March. Enjoy :) 

Get our launcher HERE  (there is a syncinc problem with the public build on the launcher atm, we will let you know when its available) 

MEGA (The file is over 5Gb but with our current mega account you should still be able to download it in one go)

PS: We invite you to read the changelogs here and here if you haven't already to find out what's new. 



MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful always-on privacy. Claim your free 50GB now


Sonny Starbrite

Nope, limits me to 5 Gigs on Mega.


same, can we get a google drive download?


For a "free" Mega account user (like myself), it indeed appears that the free transfer limit is 5Gb. You may have even been prompted to wait x amount of hours/minutes before you can try to resume downloading. Otherwise, I highly suggest using the Wild Life Launcher once the WL Team advises the public version has been been fixed. Don't worry, the weekend is upon us.


Yeah, anything but MEGA would be great, I've used all the space on your builds in the past and now I'm heavily limited.


On launcher and click download on latest public build and getting a "Remote server returned a error: (404) not found" Redownloaded, same thing.


just download the game directly without using the launcher, after awhile launcher will detect the game somehow and you will back on track.


No command console? I can't seem to get them to have sex underwater. (I managed to do so before by glitching) That's my favorite part of the game! (Edit: NVM, All I had to do was use the position controls)


I'm a 10$ supporter and according to the tier description, I have access to 'uncensored builds' but this one I just downloaded won't let me disable it in the settings, it just says 'For more censoring options support us on Patreon'. What is this?


This post is for the public build. Are you using the launcher? Tried the DL from the $10 post?


Thats strange, most people report it goes completely through on their free accounts too.


Google Drive sucks because it has a download count limit, chances are you wouldnt even be able to get it before the file gets locked :/ Weve tried that when we had not even half the number of supporters and it took minutes for the drive links to stop working.


I wasn't using the launcher, I guess I have to go DL that now too, never had to before. This is the first time I've had this issue so forgive me for not knowing, it's usually just a simple download and go.


launcher is so much easier


i was wondering when you guys are going to update the story line, i would love to continue after meeting the cheif


Can you guys please, bring back windows 7 support? If you already answer on that question before to others, sorry then.


Sadly no, microsoft themselves discontinued windows 7 support so slowly all softwares will eventually also quit. We cant do anything about it. For now the project still works on windows 7, easiest workaround for now, is to go to your windows/system32 folder. copy the xinput1_3.dll to wild life game folder. rename it to xinput1_4.dll and it'll work. the error is caused because 1.4 xinput is not available on windows 7


Windows 10. The world map is quite heavy and laggy. Even at the lowest settings. It's just the world map though. Everything else runs crystal clear. The December build had little to no lag to it.


Is there more animation planned with grok and corbac?


think it has to do with the space on the cloud drive you can save your files to. If you use MegaSync to download files to your pc, you can untick the import to cloud drive function. Haven't gotten the wait message for awhile unless i forget to untick that option


Download from Launcher worked just fine for me. All cool. A couple little spots in the re-designed oasis area where an npc might get stuck on the new rocks following your around. Curious when the world is going to start getting fleshed out more. Would like to see an interview with your environmental artist and maybe hear from a couple of your new team as well.


Don't worry, the Launcher is straight forward and just as efficient.


I really wish we could do gay human/feral interactions. Like gay rimming. That'd be awesome.


Thank you very much


Maybe it's just me, but I noticed a distinct lack of a chubby female character and I was wondering what scope of body types were being considered. We have a ton of slender characters, some muscular characters and one overweight character in Iljah, but were there more chubby characters being considered or female characters with smaller breasts?


guys i cant dowload by mega, i dont have space


Whenever I try to download this from mega it causes my browser to crash after 10% :-(

William Klauss

Why can"t you save in the game. The game froze after having sex with the old goat after I click stop on the sex then talk to him again I had to force close the game would been nice to save it I'm running the game on PC


Save isnt implemented yet since we are still missing systems that will be affected by it that need to be done first.


i have a problem about the graphics of black lightning around the characters is there a solution and is there any other such problem


Problem with textures on windows 10. In the settings, the quality of the graphics is set to "epic", but in the game itself the textures are blurry, as if I set it to "low". Putting other "high" or "med" settings as well, the improvement or deterioration of the quality of the graphics does not occur, in other words, nothing changes, as the soapy picture remained. Windows updated, Directx also the latest version. (In terms of hardware: Video card - GTX 1050 ti, the rest is quite powerful).

MJ Out

Same problem here, just like MrLegend said.


Dear Wildlife Team, hi ok guys i have a question and i dont now where to ask except below the recent post of you guys, so here i go. You state that Wildlife is going to be an Action RPG does that mean there will be skilltress or attribute points to spent? You also say that we will be able to play different characters, does that mean there will be no character creation and we are bound to those characters you give us? (Its totaly fine i just want to know) About the sex scenes, will there be defeat scenes? Do you need to rech specific goals like socialstuff to see the scenes? The thing is i realy want to help you guys with my money but i need some more detailed information on your vision for this game. I realy want to know what the finished product will look like before i pay you for 2 - 3 years 10 bucks each month, for a game that when released is nothing like what i've hoped it would be you know? Maybe you have a thread somewhere with more details, i would love to have a link :-) But keep up the work and all power to you !


How do I unblur it? Please


Can somebody tell me how i can safe? I downloaded the launcher and am a patreon yet i can't safe.


Hey, thanks for the questions. So we will do some form of character progression, our designers are still working on the exact whats and hows but once we have something we will present it here too :)


save isnt implemented yet. You can save the customization of your characters using the save load buttons in your customize tab.

Raiden 83

What's the deal whit all the lag spikes in the game? I don't think it's my computer that makes it :)


Game freezes after pressing launch, been staring 1,5h into loading screen and nothing happens


No lag at all for me, why could it not be ur computer ?


Is there a way to only download the deltas between the previous public build and this public build without downloading the whole file?


Great game guys But a little question - I saw there are an gang or other group animations - how can i see it in a game? Cant find it in action menu with males or females Thx!


You need to have the people follow you before talking and asking for sex. Here is a list of the currently available pairings and group combinations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17BkPG-yaWTkf0IZ5XbxGet4vW4z4wCWoM8IKv5i9D08/edit#gid=249132771


Any idea I get the "Xinput1_4.dll missing" error when I try to start the game. I re-downloaded the game 2 times allready. I`m on windows 7.


God I hate MEGA, stupid 5GB "quota"


easiest workaround for now, is to go to your windows/system32 folder. copy the xinput1_3.dll to wild life game folder. rename it to xinput1_4.dll and it'll work. the error is caused because 1.4 xinput is not available on windows 7


I can´t play, it says error 0xc000007b. What do I do, I have tried re-downloading all .net packs, get a something.82 microsoft pack and locating it in my computer, but it still doesn´t work.


Hi adeptus. Just wondering why we are not able to play previous versions of the game that we paid for without a continued membership. I supported you for months when I could afford it but now my game just crashes everytime I attempt to play a sex scene. do we really have to have a reoccurring membership to play previous versions?


You can play previous versions regardless of your current membership status if you still have them on your computer mate. We recommend not to delete those until you know a new versions is stable.


Hi, I loaded up the game and just a few minutes in my CPU was being used up completely and was increasing in temperature before crashing. My PC is brand new and has the equipment to run any game in the highest settings. I'm not a developer, so I don't understand what is happening.


Help please. How can i remove mosaic in the game......


This is the public verison and comes censored. You can find the uncensored version here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35042459


Load up the game went to go on the map and It crashes on the loading screen