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Hey all, it's time for a new development update post :)

First off let's start with the info about the coming build release.

We estimate the next member-tier version to be ready for end of February!

Here is a rough overview of things we expect to have for that release.

  • First showcase of our gunplay system and gore system.
  • Reworking Yason who is going to be the male protagonist (getting a completely new design)
  • A bunch of new sex animations (e.g. threesomes, some softer “romance” anims, and a few more tali and corbac anims)
  • Improving Maya’s wing models and textures.
  • New textures for desert sand and overall improving the environment assets.

We are focusing a lot on enhancing our artstyle with a dedicated Art director to make Wild Life the experience you deserve.

Further we are also working on some lookdev work for our Raider faction as we want to start detailing them, making more characters, giving them better clothing and weapons, and just overall make them feel like a proper game faction.

Please be aware that we are in the middle of reworking the artstyle and these pictures are work in progress but they give you a glimpse of what we are going for.

Thanks everyone for supporting us, let's make this year even more awesome.

-Wild Life Team




wow perfekt i love that :)


That's fucking awesome


>This is what my Patreon subscription goes towards Excellent. I am completely satisfied.


That full kitted raider looks sick, they got no business being bad guys looking that badass. Keep up the awesome work


> Romance anims > Tali and Corbac anims YES! YESSSS!!!


This raiders looks badass!


When can I play the game

Hans Haslebacher

question. since we're already able to edit the appearance of characters (especially Maya), will we eventually be able to sort of make our own avatar/protagonist? like naming them etc?


I want to play the game where can I download it


Impressive work!


I do love you guys!

Anon 26182

Why are people asking where to download it? Literally in the recent posts right there it says "build release" on 3 of them.


There is a public demo on this main site, for testing and if u like it then please support these guys by being a patreon


This is exciting!


Of course it would be nice to be able to pick apart those armor/clothing assets and mix-and-match them on character tab slots someday.


How Max gets double teamed by Tali, that will teach him a lesson.


This looks good


If we can't save progress, is there any point in the game?


Thats not planned for the main Wild Life game. Picture this more like the Witcher where you have developer designed characters and stories. This doesnt mean we will never look into this tho, just its not part of the foreseeable future.


I do give some the benefit of the doubt since English may not be their first language. But it is frustrating to fill up Comments with "where to download" when it's clearly right in front of their face. LOL.


Very excited for the new wings. Was hoping for that as the current iteration is a little lacking.


I cant wait another month! I want it NOW :D


oooooo more animations and threesome will be great if it will be Double Female Oral job because its a must in this game and wow those wings lookin good keep up the good work :3


Diving back into WoW for a little bit tonight, it occurs to me that minions would be interesting in Wild Life as well. Especially a little imp, demon, troll or goblin-like creature that you could also get it on with. Just sayin'.


I'd appreciate sexy > realism & practicality. Like for raiders I love A3 and C3/C4 design. Hoping to see more kinkiness out of future pant designs too. But that's just my input.


Always did enjoy hunting raiders. Also, love the wing designs. The vibrant colors are beautiful.


Of course, it is clear that the art style is still in the process of being finalized, and we are waiting for you to show us what you created)


hello , just join after seeing the nice teaser on E621.net . i got a question however , do Feral creature will be " avaible " to have fun , in futur ? like the Hyena , etc .


Hey thanks mate, just checked out the e621, big stuff going on over there^^ To answer your question: Feral content like Hyena wont happen as its against patreon rules.


Cool tout ça :) une petite question , l'apparition de nouveaux ennemis sera présente dans la nouvelle version de test ? Merci pour votre jeux ;)


Are the new corbac animations with human wonen


The idea of bigger belly bulging and maybe even inflation would be cool as well.


Im a simple man but Corbac has TWO DICKS shouldn’t he be able to take two women please add a threesome animations for corbac

Man Man

Female Orgasms!


new version has collision problems engine issue animations e.g. feet or hands disappear under sand. which doesn't change the fact that I keep my fingers crossed for the project


Yeah, I have the same issues. But I had those in the old versions too.


Max always seemed like the reluctant hero to me but I'm down. You guys are kickin' ass so far.


the question whether the engine will support Nvidia or Saphire similar to Intel or AMD Generally, I would bet on AMD and Saphire which I have always been an opponent and now for testing Wild Life I have Radeon RX580Nitro 8GB Core i7 4790 and 32GB Ram graphics may not be the latest but for 100Euro Geforce drops out FPS Minimum 75 Max 450


at first i was like "reee i want more sex updates" then i saw the char design and my penisbrain had taken a backseat for the time being.


Hello Adeptus Steve! I have a few questions for you that bother me: 1) Will genital size matter? For example, a human woman who takes a half-meter penis inside, sounds absurd. It would be great if this issue had reasonable mechanics. 2) With reference to the previous question - is it planned to take injuries if the penis size would be too large? 3) With reference to the previous two questions: Is it envisaged that an oversized penis will simply rip the female? In other words, is it supposed to fuck literally to death? 4) With reference to the three previous questions: Is it foreseen that the described situation (fuck to death) will be reflected in the spectacular gore scene? Best regards, and eagerly awaiting your response.


Thanks for the questions mate. Ill give a brief and clear answer here: 1. Penis size wont play a role and wont cause need for mechanics around it. 2. Our gore and injury system will never be utilized in combination with sex system. We need to be very clear that this game wont feature sexual violence in any way. Cheers, -S


Hi Steve. If you allow advice you should improve the physics of the breast which seems too rigid and slow .... You could also add cursors to customize the physics in the character menu, (if not too complicated)....That the physic of butt is fine ...


Heya guys :) Glad to see you back. A couple of questions: 1) Will you release a 2020 roadmap like you did for 2019? 2) Guns sound cool in the hands of the enemies, makes for a more stealth/calculated type of gameplay. However it's quite the opposite if Maya uses them. Down to the point: Will Maya be able to use guns? And if so, how do you guys plan on balancing it that it's not clearly superior to the bow and arrow?


Moar gay stuff! /beg


Raiders ? AWESOME! , if the gore is similar to fallout 4 that would be great but i think it could be even better.


love more Romance style animations


One thing to note that will make this game way better! A corruption system! Add that and this will be a game to remember! By corruption system i mean not letting the player do whatever he wants, but slowly progress to the sex scenes!


I guess that guns could be somewhat hard to obtain. Just as ammo for them. So they could be an OP thing to have, yet they could be really valuable because of how hard and rare they are. Also since Wild Life is a sci-fi setting, maybe there could be some futuristic limitations, like DNA-locks or something. Just my guess, but its interesting to hear what Steve has in mind about guns.


That would ruin it. Hate progression type of games. Absolute control is +++


Looks solid! Looking forward to what you have in mind for the aesthetics going forward. I'd also like to gently encourage significantly more futa animations (get 'em in on some beast action!) and some more animations for our lonely tentacle boi.


Need some Tali and Rawn.

jesse c

how do i get futa jenny and futa shey?


Hello guys. Do you plan add climax to other charackters (just like Sethro, Minotaur) i mean every loop should have climax option not only works in one position. Of course female orgasms too. You could insert new animation climax inside more creampie.


where is that christmas quest?


Will you put some horse ? I mean on 4


cant save game?


The raiders look sick but I have a question. Will regular characters (max, Bol, Sethro, maya ect.) Have access to these outfits too? Also will we be able to use raiders in free H like we can do with the tribal males?


Random question for anyone who might answer. I see vids on pornhub and other sites where folks can hide the UI but still display the patreon link to help the game. Can anyone tell me how they do that? Is it some kind of obs overlay, or have I somehow overlooked an option for half a year? Can't wait for next build.


hi im having troubles with the game. How do I have sex with the minotaur? It always just says "not now!"


There is a button to toggle UI, check the inputs to see what it is. By default its the + key.


You can press T to open the character spawner and spawn an other minotaur that will be up for sex with you.


I just started playing on the full version of 12.2019 build. Two big issues off the bat ... first, when traveling from the spawning point to where the chief is, through the valley, my character keeps falling through the ground. Second, save/load buttons are greyed out, so I constantly have to start over. Am I missing something basic?


Falling through the ground ? Can you elaborate on that? Save function isnt available yet as we still dont have all the systems in place that are affectd by it.


I think it would be great if every sex animation (at leat between male and female?) would be available for every race / creature. For example the missionary animation for Maya and "Goatman" should be available for every other male + (Maya) female character. Otherwise if you only like one specific animation for example, you have no other choice than picking the same partner every time.


there is problem wit the launcher. ever if i try to download the 10$ version, i get the error message "an exception occured during a request". is there a way i can fix it?


I'm curious about "The Gore System" sounds fun to me haha.


Wildlife team please make some new sexy outfits for jenny futa and slit skirt outfits for maya like this here https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0904/4410/products/egyptian-goddes-princess-women-halloween-costumes-daisy-dress-for-less-1414063489055_2000x.jpg?v=1575931987


think the futa cock needs more work, and not sure why you made it so small, cant have a normal size one?


Are we going to have a female lizard humanoid as well?


im a bit lost, how much should i waut for another new release?


I dont understand the question tho, are you asking in a weird way how long the next build is going to take?


Why can't I change the character's emotion?


I am very exited for the gunplay.


They don't really feel sexy in anyway, It feels abit out of place in this game.


I disagree on the latter, as the point of this game isnt for the sole purpose of sex. They wish to build an actual game around it, and we need baddies.


I think you should a spawn location setting ik there's teleporters but I'm lazy I liked spawning at the oasis

Roman N

Hopefully this week i become a patreon, love this game, my laptop can bearly run thebgame n i still played for two hours!


Hey probably a dumb question but is it normal that you can't save yet ?


Hi Steve, This looks very cool! Ever thought of adding navel play Animations? Especially on Maya?


Does Anyone know where the Hentai plant is ?? I can't seem to find it..


never mind found it it's near the oasis. it's called Salivarius


Yeah, that isn't a bug on your behalf. It hasn't been coded in just yet.


Want to make it know i've only recently discovered the VR Stuff you started work on, and want to voice VERY strong support for further development.


Please do an awesome looking Male Orc Character


When will the animations transitions in F scenes make sense I mean between stages? Maybe find a compromise like dedicated places or limit a session to three specifics stages so it's even more replayable. But it pull the immersion of this magnificent realist and detailed world down. Hope someday you will unlock more animations the futher you advance your relation with essentials npcs


+1 I agree, open the animations to swap roles. let the futa variants have a turn on males for example.


will there be futa on male content? and a more in depth body shaper for characters? If I want to make a large futa amazon/bodybuilder is that possible?


Please add more nipple animations ?