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Hello dear supporters,

we hope you all had wonderful christmas and new year celebrations and a smooth transition to this new decade, we sure had :D

The last year of 2019 was a great year for us, we pretty much doubled our team size (fulltime employees) from 7 to 15 and moved into a new dedicated office space. Wild Life has progressed a lot and everyone has been working very hard to get us where we are. Our team has been using the months of December and January to take some well deserved vacations and to celebrate christmas and new year with their families. We will return in full strength very soon and will release a new and more awesome behind the scenes with a lot of information about what cool stuff we have been working on and what is planned for 2020. So stay tuned because it will be awesome!

Thank you all for the incredible support and let’s rock this year together to get Wild Life to new unreached heights!

-Wild Life Team



Hope for more background stuff feel sl empty

Justin Morales

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!! ;) happy to be a supporter still in 2020


Thank you for your hard work and hope you have a Great new year! =D


Welcome back and congrats your growth.


Keep up the awesome job. Happy New Year to the team!


Looking at what you've created with a small team like that makes it even more impressive. Congrats!


cant wait to see whats coming! Any plans for a chubby/bbw character?


Hi I still haven't figured out how to switch my character because I only have one on offer :/


You can approach any character, talk to them with the e key and then select the possess option. (Most characters are locked tho in the free version, you need the 10$ version to access all like that)


Hi, how do I get this game?


Woopwoop! You guys rock my pants off!!!


This is looking great! Keep up the amazing work you folks do! I'm so impressed I signed up right away :D


You go to this post and download it: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32459015 The launcher has an issue at the moment so its likely it wont work, I recommend you take the mega link.


hi hi will there ever be bondage?


Could be possible. We dont have immediate plans at the moment, but it could happen in the future.


This is the first time i decieded to support a game developer! You all did a realy good job so far! I hope you will continue this way! I realy liked that you had the courage to implement Sex as a real graphic and animated element and not just suggesting it! I dont know if it is planed or not, but but this game screams for an extremly detailed caracter creator and a "testing in action" room, and some kind of recording ability! :) But in the moment i only realy missing the Save option in game, and for caracters!! I reali like customization but wehn i make a Character which reali looks good, i can't save it. :(


Hey thanks mate :) Yeah save system is not implemented yet as we still have some other aspcets of the game that need to be developed which will affect the saving so they need to be in place first.


I've noticed that most of the anthro characters, save for the newer lizard character, all have canine "appendages", is this intended or is it a sort of placeholder? Just didn't expect the feline characters to have canine parts.


Very good point. It might also be a placeholder but the animations seem the same for both of the cat-people. It might also just be based on their species.


problem solved internet fault but i have a question about save game if they just don't work yet or if i did something wrong


Hi folks. I have the $25 donation. No matter which version I download, it's all censored... can anyone help me? Greetings


Make sure you've clicked the login thing at the top right of the launcher, then from the little drop down menu you have to make sure you've got the proper version selected before you start it up.


Sorry to hear that, we still are rather early with the launcher development so its not guaranteed to run bug-free on every user. I suggest you use the alternative download link for the time being and we will try to improve and fix the launcher in the meantime.


Can't wait to meet the new team!


Damn, your project is getting cooler everytime I take a peek. best of luck with it man. I am hoping that my 2D game will ever have this solid a community!


Glad that everyone had a great holiday. Best of luck in the new year, can't wait to see how the game improves!


Is there new outfits planned for characters, if so please add cloth physics :)


love it keep it up, I hope you will continue this way. great job 😍


imma support this soon when I get my paycheck, im grateful for the the public builds


Wann und wie geht es Weiter ?


First of all thanks for a great game. Two things i would like to see, 1st a tribe variation for Bol character. And i also would love to see a skin with tanlines.


how do i start group sex?


only some character can do that. Go check this list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17BkPG-yaWTkf0IZ5XbxGet4vW4z4wCWoM8IKv5i9D08/edit#gid=249132771 ;)

Witt witty

Just a quick question. Is the probe animation not working right now? Every time I try to use it, the character just does the hands and knees animation. Is this a known thing, or just something I'm experiencing?


What animation exactly? Which characters are involved and whats the display name of the pose?


Is there a way to make multiple pairs of people have sex at once? Like make one pair have sex then switch to another.


Hey guys! Great product, I love the sense of freedom the game has. Flying around has been my favorite pleasure so far( and also dive bombing into the ocean) . I'm curious though, what is the team's plans as far as voice work?


(I know I'm asking a lot in this comment, but don't wanna spam comments ^^; ) Is there any plans for more characters and areas? Like for example: Equine characters (Zebra, horse, etc) Feline (Male cheetah, tigress, leoaprds, panthers, cougars, etc) and areas like: Snowy biome ( where snow leopards, polar bears, and the like could be found? Could also add a feature where the character could get too cold, if not wearing proper gear, near fire or inside a den) or a grasslands biome (where Zebras, Gazelles, Antelopes, Giraffes, maybe more lions, cheetahs, hyenas, and the like could be found?)


I think if you've flown around the entire island in all of it's blankness, you'll see where there are every biome laid out already. What we're getting with the public and patreon builds are "slices", so I'm sure the actual world that will go into Early Access is fully populated with FAR more than we're seeing. At least I think I'm sure. Right Steve?


i would really like to download the game but MEGA is not letting my cause free limit is out and the last time i downloaded with mega is months ago so fuck MEGA


Is it possible to hide / fade out the male character / genitals (make them invisible) in the sex scenes with a shortkey? It would be a easy way to enjoy the animations more if we could switch between visible and invisible partners.


is the only free one public demo

Broken Fomorian

Hi Steve, it seems there is some graphic glitch with Rawn. When you change his hair colour (especially visible for the bright colours), the black hair on his tail does still blink through. Nothing major, just looks weird. Also, those hair remain when you toggle his "hair" off (his mane does disappear properly).


Hola , me gustaría saber si hay alguna forma de traducir el juego a Español? También me gustaría saber como se guardan los progresos en el juego? Gracias


how do you download the game ??


These are the two latest releases: Public: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32459117 10$: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32459015 Just go on the respective post and download either via our launcher or via the mega link.


En este rato no pueden guardar nada porque el juego todavía necesita cosas que no an implementado. Un poco más de tiempo y van a finalizar el resto de el aplicación para que se puede guardar progresos.