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Hello friends and welcome to the February testing build for the Members tier and up.

You folks show a great level of dedication and enthusiasm for the project and you know we want to involve you in development process. For that reason we have launched an early version of the build for you.

The idea is that you get to test this for about 1-2 weeks and send us any feedback you have for us.

This can be bug reports, crash logs, performance issues, animation fails, balancing, feature/art requests, things you didn't like/would like to see improved, etc. etc.

We will then evaluate all this, prioritize it and work as much of it as we can into the game so that we can release an improved version for the community, based on your valuable input.

We have set up an email: info@candyvalleynetwork.com for your feedback, but it's also cool if you want to chat with us directly, then send us the feedback on our discord to the #bug-reports-and-feedback channel on our server. Its also alright if you comment feedback in the comment section under this very post.

So now we invite you to follow the link to get the February Test Build :)



Thanks and enjoy,

- Wild Life Team




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