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Merry Xmas everyone!

we hope you enjoyed our QnA video from last post. 

We have a game-scope overview document ready, getting you an even deeper look into what is going to happen in Wild Life, this is NOT the announced road map!! (this will come in january)


As we got a lot of question and feedback about futanarai content, which we won't do in Wild Life for now, we wanted to give the project created by our friend and animator Puppetmaster a quick heads-up. He is doing dang good animations with focus on futanari.

Check out his patreon

We wish everyone nice Christmas days and a “guten rutsch” into 2019.

-Wild Life Team


Wild Life - Feature Overview (public)

Wild Life - Feature Overview By Candy Valley Network Story The main conflict in the world of Wild Life revolves around foreign, technologically advanced human factions, which invaded Kerpal (current working title for the Wild Life game world) to enslave the native inhabitants an...


Miy Eterp

NICE, MERRY XMAS! So when wil we be able to buy the game?


Euch auch einen guten Rutsch liebes Wild-Life Team :D

Logan Lakes

It's sounding like a good solid layout! Can't wait to get to try out some of this new stuff.


Merry xmas! And thank you for staying away from futa!


Merry Christmas and all my best wishes for the year 2019


This answered a ton of questions I was gonna ask! Merry Christmas

Dean Alexander

Hey man, anymore plans on expanding your VR program? Your models look fantastic through VR!


Great work! Thanks for your efforts! Happy holidays to you too! Have a wonderful time ; )


It sounds like you're just making Dark Souls mixed with porn and a survival game.


Oh boy, please no more dark souls, i hate that game, if you want a "dark souls" combat style, your damm game will be impossible to complete or enjoy.


The last game i played like dark souls is nioh, and is just dump for me, i cant pass the forest level, dark souls is a cancer on the action game genere.


Jesus dont stir it up too much mate. We will make sure the combat is simple and easy to handle.


I think a Dark Soulsish combat system will be great, nothing is more satisfying than a challenge and having to learn to beat something instead of just getting handed the victory. You there seems to be alot of emphasis on monsters and creatures, will those be involved in sex as well? Maybe as a lose scenario? And also thank you for no futa and Merry Christmas


This may have been asked but will there be lesbian sex in game or are we just looking at vanilla? I will watch the progress of this game with some interest. In the new year I'll look at becoming a patron.


So could you say that this is going to be the Dark Souls of porn games?


Futanari? I'm gone.


everything sounds good to me! (still hoping futa will make it in someday)


If you guys actually can't beat Dark Souls you should be deeply ashamed of yourselves. All you have to do is notice attack patterns and learn to roll properly.


Thanks for the info! Looking great :) So if I understand correctly we won't be able to customize our character with different clothing items (i.e gloves, hats, shirts, pants etc) but instead we get entire outfits? Either way, great work guys and always fun to hear from you


Will there be gang bangs? I am a dark souls fan so feel free to do dark souls type of combat :) I would love a character creator and to wear different types of clothes. Can the female heroin get pregnant can she be enslaved and have to spend her days servicing the men of a tribe.


Love your game!)) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)))


Never played Dark Souls, but willing to give it a go. Shame no Futanari content as of yet, but that does not hinder my support for this game. Hopefully later on in development or in part 2 or 3. Right now I get your still very early in development and the bread and butter of programing/modeling is the primary focus right now. Thank you for the updates! Keep up the great work, and have a fantastic Christmas!

John Goodman

Can you like you know, not do gay shit? Its an insanely small fraction of your supports.


That fraction might be worth more than your contribution to society.

Icarus Media

You really can't win can you Steve? Last post got derailed by everyone talking about your hat, now everyone is discussing Dark Souls... Ha!


People who aren't able to beat Dark Souls shouldn't have any civil rights. We should use Dark Souls as a way to screen people for citizenship. All people who can't beat the game in a month should be executed. They can't be allowed to pollute the gene pool.


Thanks for the shoutout! Merry Christmas and a happy new year! :) And don´t feed the trolls ;)

Matthias Zimmermann

i just read through it a bit, now i'm even more hooked than when i first pledged. a fucking souls like RPG Sex game. you guys are awesome


The level of cloth customization is still in the air, so it could very well be that we make something for different body parts in addition to entire outfits.


Merry Christmas


... isn't this game a bit pathetic? xD


Is this game Mac friendly?

zachary curtis

I'm sorry but I can no longer support patreon due to the removal of some of my favorite creators. Thus I am pulling all support, nothing personal.


yea, did the same recently too. pity they dont have a kickstarter or other early support route. really not interested in letting increasingly censorious, authoritarin filth like those behind patreon get my money.


Can you guys add an option to make the males bodies fully transparent and only leave the dick visible?

Chaotic Revival

Kind of disappointed that we won't be able to model our facial features to look the way we want them to like Skyrim and Fallout. But all is good because this game is looking beautiful!


Would it be possible to do an x-ray/internal view?


So approximately when can we expect the next 25$ build? Is there even going to be one in January?


Its likely that the next build wont come in january. The whole up-scaling of the team and such is gonna take a few weeks.


awsome game im looking forward for more so sexy and fun to play :)


I get what you guys are trying to do. You are trying to deliver sexual fantasy in an immersive environment. I think you can do better. You need a different story that lets you separate out the furry stuff and delivers the fantasy first and the gameplay second. For that I think you should use a storyline involving the crew of a spaceship on vacation on a planet that has been terraformed but forgotten for a few thousand years. The crew decided to land members on an island where they can party and relax. The action can happen on the mainland.


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Icarus Media

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Leaving the discussion with extreme "hardcore gamer" dark souls fanboys, will be a great idea to change the race o species of your character.


Beat dark souls don't makes you special or something. i can't believe the "discrimination" so to speak, which game you have finished or not. The games are made to entertain, for fun, for enjoy, they will not give you a prize for finishing any in specific game, unless you compete in an event like an e-sports for example.


Yall are german dudes? Amazing


Am I correct that the current $10 build just let's you walk around and engage in sex? Or am I missing something. Definitely plan on becoming a supporter, this is just a little light on content for $10 a month.


Yes. Currently the content is quite limited but its nice :) And more content will come soon.


My little feedback on lore. As, this game will clearly be not combat focused, perhaps it will be better for invaders not to "invade" but to peacefully arrive on this world. In theory. In reality, after "peacefull" sort comes a giant variety of opportunists, who will be a real danger, but officials will still be a peacefull explorers, who came only for research and cultural exchange. This is a small thing but it will allow the player to feel more comfortable in this world which is just like ours, have copletely safe places and hot spots. "Make love not war", after all.

Ashlynn Aragon

so basically i feel this game needs a lot more work done on it.......there is some rubberbanding issues with the NPCs when you ask them to follow you, they will not leave the campsite too far..........i think the animations, while nice, can use more of them.......all the finishers involve faceshots........should have cum inside options........also, clothing i feel should be a toggle, it is nice, but i think i like the idea of being nude also, dont take out the "possess" feature, as i like being able to be one of the wolves or cats :) for all the small flaws i see, i really do like this game and see huge potential in it, i will give my support to this game, because i want to see where this goes :)

Justin Morales

This game is awsome cant wait for more


you should be able to interact with the models during sex scenes since the physics engine responds to contact... for example, it would be fun if you could play with the tits a bit. threesome scenes please! walking mechanics could be improved (footsteps don't feel in sync with the land moving as you walk) would be nice to have a climb mechanic. for example I like the mechanics of dragons dogma. during a sex position, the model should respond to different amplitudes ... for example if you go faster she could change facial expression. It would be amazing if you could make the girls cum, maybe by certain combos or maybe each female char could have a specific way she likes to get fucked, and if you do it right, she cums.

Justin Morales

the 25 $ build doesn't have animation speed?


Hope there's some thought to maybe adding a character customizer too! Or possibly spells/consumables from quests to increase bust/ass/dong size?


Getting gang banged would be great! And character customizer and clothes


Threesome and such are also planned. But thats much harder to animate since it involves so many actors that itll take longer to produce :)


wow u guys are releasing futanari? thats fucking sick you guys are pioneers! big money coming your way once i see that content, big ups.


Futa is a niche genre that's a pretty big turn off to anyone who isn't a fan of it. No including it wont get them big money, and concerning how much they make now money isn't a issue. Also it clearly says its not in the works.


Well anything that goes outside of natural order will always be a niche regardless of a current trend, or what a particular group is trying to force. These include homosexuality, futa, bestiality, and pedo (except the pedo use terms like loli to make it sound cute)