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Hello everyone.
Quick one today with an update of what we did last week and what's planned this coming week:

We have spent some time to firstly fix all the major bugs in the current build so that stuff is working now.

So last week we ran a second pass on our health, stamina and hunger system to focus on some of its functionality. We also looked at the inventory system and item code to improve various aspects of item implementation such as buffs, quest and npc interaction and placement and management.

Coming week we want to throw some time at Character based Mesh/Anim/GameData handling. Internal processes that will streamline management of assets on a character basis.

Along with that we will test the system with a new set of locomotion animations for the current male character.

We will keep you in the loop for more :)

-Wild Life Team



will we be seeing lionides in any upcoming demos/builds? also do you still stream?


Good question, I hope to work on something like that soon. I havent been streaming as much as Id like to recently :( But working on that would definitely be cool subject for a stream.


How much time do you plan to release the project?


Hard to say. We aim to have a functioning core version of the game with a developed storyline for our character Maya till the end of 2018. This is just an estimate tho, could take longer, could take less. But we will be giving our best nonetheless.