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Good evening folks,

First of all a big THANK YOU for the huge support so far! We hit the 5k goal before the month ended, and are still going fast :D

Time for a quick dev update, I spent some time this week on a few cool things I was a bit afraid to get into, but worked out really well:

I finally started to learn how to build UIs in the engine and made a very simple HUD and inventory system.  Obviously those graphics are super placeholder, we will get a proper UI/UX guy to make some aweosome UI design once we can afford it. But I still want to learn all this so I can communicate on a very technical level and give a good base to anyone that might be helping us out.
How the inventory will work exactly Im still to decide, also the HUD I want to be as little intrusive as possible, a thing I thought of was for elements to fade away after a few seconds of not being used. Stamina for example is used all the time, but it could be invisible until you go below 50% or so. Health would also be invisible until you take damage. Sexyness would be visible when a potential sex-partner is nearby or you switch clothes. Inventory only visible when you open it... just little details like these its what im already thinking about when it comes to this interesting topic.
Also the idea of a compass as minimap came up and I quite like it, Ill look into that soon.

Along with that I also started to make a simple main menu and will be looking into character/map choosing, graphics and other game settings etc. etc. It also falls under the UMG learning but the whole thing is such a big topic that I have to separate these aspects.

These are all things I really need to get sorted at least to a certain degree in order for the builds to play nicer and feel more like a game in the making instead of an interactive graphics showcase.
So in that regard an other big thing is that I need to implement soon is a placeholder sex-system, something that works fine while I continue to develop the full thing in the meantime. That development will stretch for months as I want to reach the next level of interactive sex-scenes.
Guuii is also working on a few interesting animations that we can hopefully showcase on the wednesday update.

Other litlle things I still have on my short-term plate (more out of personal interest rather than direct need is to make more progress on the muscle flex system and to look into cloth sim tool for clothy costume bits. Previously I was using nvidia flex which is horrible to operate in maya, the new tools in the engine seem promising so I want to try them out soon.

Ok thats it for now, excuse the huge wall of text :)

Lets rock it!

-S & G




This sounds great man


Looking great!!


I have seen a lot of 3D games but this one looks very, very promising. About the interface: If you can't decide if it's better to always see it or only if something happens you should just let the player decide with a poll or by offering the option to activate/deactivate it.


I think you should have the option for the interface to be always on/off or fade out in the settings. The more things we can control in the settings the better as this can help some people run the game easier (Lowering graphics .ect) and others to customise the game to their liking.


Nice! Keep up the good work

Kravenar Games

You totally deserve more support :)


cant wait to play the demo when its out


How much will the build MB?


Oh no, please don't use wonky terms like this for AA. It's quite uselful to know if you are using MSAA, FXAA, or any of the many other possible techniques. Some of them even make the picture look worse IMHO.


I want a demo, no offense. Even then ill probably pledge only one month unless i see significant progress every month. Don't get me wrong, what you have looks VERY promising, but Breeding Season ruined it for me. Im no longer gonna give someone 100 dollars for something that they just have a concept for.


Sure man, you very good right. I hope that we can show you how serious we mean it with this in the future, regardless of what you pledge :)