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Our move to Berlin has gone quite well. Flat is still somewhat empty, but that we'll sort out in the coming time.

Here are some cool game related updates:

Muscle Flexing:
For now ive been spending some time looking into the muscle flex development for in-engine muscle action based on motion. For a little demo video on that topic, check here :)

Camera Lag:
Further I have found a quite significant feature in regards to camera in ue4 player characters. Its a huge quality of life improvement. Before this our camera had a very direct response to the mouse input which turned out to be rather jittery. With the introduction of camera lag, the whole motion is very softened out and it just feels so much better. Check this little comparison video out (I am performing very similar mouse action on both settings, the difference is huge)

REMINDER:   we plan to release our first playable demo in July and the patreon only versions will ONLY go to processed patreons of the previous month (this current month). So if you are up for that, make sure to pledge now.

Thank you for all the support! We are really looking forward to have you all check out our first playable demos very soon ;)


-S & G




My body is so ready for demo ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Wesley Gunder

Looking forward to it Partner


This Flex feature looks really interesting. We'll see how it will look in game but it looks good here.


Hm july...more like early, mid or late july? That cock teasing is painful. .__.


this is actually so fuckin promising! as an adult game lover for quite a while now, this games seems to be what a lot of people have dreamed of including myself. can´t wait for the demo!


Will every patreon get the demo or just 10$ and up?


The animations of this game looks really good! I was wondering tho, I just pledged and will I then be eligible for the demo coming out next month?


Will the demo be uncensored?


I like "flex" :)


any chance i would be getting the demo july? i just became a partron on the 30th of june for me ... wish i knew about this sooner


hey mate, yeah you should be alright, dont worry. And thanks for joining us :)


also any chance you could upload your dl's to someplace that doesn't have that traffic limit? i cant dl any of them V.V


yeah I will move away from dropbox for this. Not sure exactly which to use, i have been comparing googledrive, mega.nz, amazon cloud... still need to check uploaded and other file sharing hosts


alright :) keep up the good work, and thanks for the quick replies.


Just pledged - game looks great! Was wondering if I will not get access to the uncensored build coming up because I pledged late :o


Hey staples, hmm, tricky :/ I hope you understand that this current method of distribution is to prevent people from taking the demo builds I worked so hard on without showing the love and support that its development needs. That unfortunately is to the disadvantage of honest folks that really want to support the game not just for the rewards, but also for what it is in general. But send me a PM with your thoughts about this if you want, im always interested in my patrons' opinions :)