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It took me no small amount of inner strength to get through November... but alas, it is the final month of 2016 and I find myself once again reflecting on the year as it has passed while planning for the next up and coming.

I VOW (super serious Saraptor promise) to start making lots and lots of things. O_o Like... more than I do now, and of a greater variety. For a while now, I have pretty much exclusively been working on my child robot, NoodleFeet. Where this is good and fine, I have a whole list of other creations I long to bring into the world, all either mechanical or electronic (or both) in nature. 

In order to add dimension to my life and keep things interesting, I intend to start creating one of the things on my list every one or two weeks, all while documenting my progress on my channel along the way.

I will now buzz off and start ordering materials and doing research, with the intention of starting on a new project sometime this month.

Until then, happy winter doing and as always, thank you for believing in me

OH- OH... and in case I did not mention this anywhere else, I will be on Mythbusters: The Search airing on the Science channel this January. So, you might see me in some variable state doing cool things with stuff ;)



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