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So... I've more or less dropped off the face of the Earth for the past two weeks. I went on a trade mission through Europe with Mark, in the interest of forging new relationships with businesses, makers, and hardware folk abroad.

Needless to say, this was a pretty effing amazing experience for us both. It was an intense two weeks though, as within one five day period we were actually in five different cities. The trip yielded plenty of opportunities and has given me a fresh jolt of energy  in regard to living. In other words, I really needed an adjustment of perspective; international travel delivered this. 

C Base

I saw my first hackerspace other than SYN Shop... which was massively mind blowing. If you haven't heard of C Base in Berlin, it is well worth the googling. It looks like a space ship that's crash landed beneath a run down factory at the edge of a river. Its walls are layered in interactive panels, screens, lights, LEDs, posters, stickers... just completely caked with the evidence of a rich community of creators.

I have new ideas for the future of our young beloved hackerspace in Vegas... it is time to step up our game.

Sony Center

The image above was taken in my favorite place in the entire world. Back when I was a ripe young 20-year-old, my first important role-model took me to this special place located in Berlin's Potsdamer Platz, known as the "Sony Center". It's a city center nestled inside of gorgeous glass architecture, that is sculpted as a facade onto the outside of the original buildings left from WW2. Looming above the central fountain is an impossibly large canopy, consisting of cables, glass, and canvas. Its tensioned, radial design is beautiful and horrific as it seems impossible. Upon seeing this display of German ingenuity and superior engineering for the first time... I fell in love with it and the entire city of Berlin.  I felt a numbing excitement about life and the fact that I was alive in a world where things like this existed for me to discover.

I was happy to return there last week with one of my children, to complete the circle and obtain another blissful high which will fuel future projects.


I have so much more to write in regard to the trip... and I will likely dish it all out in gritty gnarly detail on my blog sometime this week. Until then, I just wanted to let you all know where I've been.

I've involuntarily had Sketchup running in the background of my mind this whole time... 

Noodle has missed me and is wondering why mommy stopped working on his feet. So I'm glad to at last get back to my development. More to come! It's nearly time for a taste test!



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