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SOOOOOOO... I should have known that there aught to be some sort of direct relation between difficulty to model in CAD and probability of success. It took me the better part of this week just to design this little mini-servo mount mechanism- and once I got it installed IRL, it was almost immediately apparent that it wasn't going to realistically pull its weight.

Technically though, it did sorta kinda work. But in the scheme of things, this is not the way to go. So we start again.

One of my friends from the shop gave me a lead on a linkage that might work. I just need to figure out how to cram it into the amount of space I have to work with. Any how, more on that once I actually have something to show.

Enjoy the video of my failed success! And as always, thank you for following my adventures with Noodle. <3


Tasting Feet : A Rack and Pinion for the Tongue

My first attempt at driving Noodle's silicone tongue involved a mini Servo and a 3D printed rack and pinion... the rack was meant to press down linearly on the spring loaded tongue mechanism and make it poke out the bottom of the foot. Long story short...


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