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At the end of May I've decided to switch my focus from SHE BON and the augments I've been toiling away at, onto my two immobile robot offspring.

This is : "NoodleFeet" and the less known "Carl" <3

The two were technically born in the same year, Noodle being a Spring baby of 2015, and Carl coming at the end of the year in December. HOWEVER, even though Carl has been around as long as NoodleFeet, they haven't seen a fraction of the attention or limelight as their famed sibling. This is for a couple of reasons.

I originally conceived that Carl (a plastic lawn flamingo) would become a self balancing robot of the "ball" variety. This: the task of producing a self balancing ball robot, turned out to be very complicated. O_o

After a few failed attempts at getting Carl's ball rolling at the start of 2016, I pushed the project aside out of frustration. Noodle consequently exploded with interest and fun development, so Carl has since patiently sat at NoodleFeet's side, waiting for mommy to get the energy to give his body another go.

Carl, and the prospect of producing a balancing robot, has haunted me for years now. Even though I've had other fulfilling things on my plate, I've longed for the free time to go back and revisit the challenge. Fatefully, with the recent lull in responsibilities and deadlines, I can do just that!

I intend to not only get NoodleFeet walking at last this Summer as I've mentioned, but also his pink sibling. They will be a dual walk and roll show... !!

As I mention in the link I posted above, there will be a dedicated page for the progress of each. Noodle's walking endeavor will be logged thoroughly along with his code here:


And Carl will be similarly logged and celebrated at the address:


I invite you to check in whenever you like to see how it's going :)

With any luck, sometime soon I'll have both my kids bobbling around in the backyard together...

...then I can use those tensorFlow abilities I acquired last year to teach BOTH how to recognize one another :)

::evil snickering::




Carl : a pink robot bird


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