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It's mid April-ish now already. This means two things:

  • I get to find out if any of my seeds germinated
  • It's going to get hot very soon

By seeds... I mean, if I am to receive any of the grants and residencies I applied for earlier this year. It's like waiting to hear back from the colleges you applied for all over again, anxiously anticipating the sensation of blissful success of bitter rejection.

So far this year I am 0-4, that is, four of the seeds I planted did not take root. *long sigh* This isn't surprising. This year is also the first that I've applied for anything with a new project and concept leading my artist statement... you know what it is: SHE BON.

My shoddy success rate could be due to the fact that I haven't yet figured out exactly how to talk about this project yet... or rather, it is also possible that it doesn't resonate with anything in the world yet.

In any case, with or without "big kid" funding, I intend to keep with development because it *is* important to me. I still have a couple of pokers in the fire yet that I'm still waiting on, so we'll see. I am ever optimistic. 


Even with all the writing, I've managed to steal myself away and make a couple of augments so far this season. I've created two different mods for the Propeller Bra: the POV Pasties and the Pinwheel Pasties. You can watch the videos I've made about them here:




I have some announcements about the SHEBON project that I've yet to formally address through video. This has to do specifically with the scope of the project and how I'll be proceeding with development.

Simply put, I've realized that at this point it makes sense to break my R&D into two separate objectives. On one hand I will address physical stimulation, on the other I will address sensing different aspect of my physical state. So, sensing and indicating with be addressed on their own terms.

What I hope to accomplish by splitting them apart: 

Indication and feedback: I want to give an appropriate amount of attention to deconstructing physical sensation. I'm interested in exploring ways to replicate specific feelings which relate to intimacy, like lips on skin, squeezing of flesh, suction, gripping, or pulling on parts of the body. It is an interesting problem to try and replicate any of these forms of contact mechanically, so I wish to do so!

I want sensation to be the foundation of my chosen form of indication, not just a happy byproduct like before.

Sensing biodata: Once I amass a sensor network that gives me reliable input about my body's state, I wish to make something of a skeleton system that I can wear to collect different types of input from my body all at once.

After I give proper attention to both of these area separately, I will start conceiving of how to pair sensation and indication together for my future body augments :)


Anyhow, there is still so much to say. I'll collect my thoughts and write more soon. This week is suction cup week!

??? That means.... I'm trying to figure out how to mold the perfect suction cup for delivering light hickeys......... that also feel nice while they're doing the job.

Thank you for being here <3




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