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Hi everyone! I hope you're all acclimating to the Fall/Winter season fairly well!

I just wanted to let you know how your support is fueling my madness this month... as I feel you have a right to know:

So I'm going to let you in on a little secret that I don't typically tell people unless I'm drinking and ranting about my childhood. I use too dance back when I was a kid, for about 12 years- specifically tap dancing.

For the duration that it is cold outside here in the desert wild of the Vegas... I'm going to make it a habit to dance outside every other day for an hour or so; for a few reasons:

  • I want to make sure I keep my body and heart in some relative health-like shape since I realize I'm in my 30s now and spend most of my time in static positions
  • I am going to hack my dance floor... and my tap shoes to do things. I'm not entirely sure of the what or how... but it's going to happen non-the-less.
  • Noodle needs to learn how to tap dance, (so I must teach him to walk and balance first)

I'll be producing a "tap floor" this weekend/early week with ~$50 worth of materials. I'll be streaming the task =P

For tap, it's important that the floor have a sufficient amount of spring to it, so that I don't injure myself over time while slamming my feet into the ground to make the clicking sounds!

If I am able to pull this off correctly, my floor will be 4' x 8' large, and occupy the same space on the patio as the kitty pool of summer.

Anyhow, wish me luck :) I'm off to Home Depot! The link I provided is of one of the DIY tutorials I'm following for this project. 

Also, I survived giving my talk at Hackaday's Supercon last weekend:





Tap Floor DIY

Hey everyone! So here at Double Zero, we try to keep art as an everyday part of life. This can be simple, if the art you love is something like photography, drawing, singing- it's compact. You don't really need much to do it anytime, anywhere. But what if the art you like to do requires...


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