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Hi everyone! I just ordered this thing last night (a nice mic!): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078RZZ927/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A3SPLR0MSOYZ8O&psc=1

...with the intent of getting back on a regular streaming regiment leading into HackaDay's SuperCON next month in Pasadena.

Before then I have some deadlines coming up that have been keeping my head down. They be:

  • I need to have the core system for SHE BON working and documented before the 22nd so that it may be considered for the HackaDay Prize.
  • I need to have SHE BON ready to present and demo at superCon at the beginning of next month.
  • I need to apply for a few more money things that have deadlines at the end of this month as well >.<

Hopefully life will slow down a little bit in the near future and I can catch up on some writing. I have so many thoughts I'd like to get out... and I'd like to draw some more too.

Not to mention Noodle... 

Noodle got all of this intimate attention the last part of the summer, only to return home from Linz, get wrapped in a blanket and ignored these past few weeks as I've gotten back into SHE BON.

I just keep telling him that all of these weird shapes I'm making are for him, and he seems to be ok with it. (shhhhhhhhh...) ;)

The good news is that I think I'll have *both* the POPgirl interface and the Winch Belt up and working this weekend enough to shoot some footage of! 

Build instruction coming to my hackaday.io page!

I'll also be posting build instructions for the arm-mounted user interface I'm building! (it's like a pip boy, but for your arousal!)

Here are the Butt Winch pieces in their current state of assembly:

Lots to come soon <3 =)




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