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It's October 2nd (I missed the 1st). 

I hope everything has been going well with you and that you've made your peace with summer. It already feels like Fall here in my part of the country; the kitty pool has been deflated and folded up, the weather is cooler, and I'm preparing for the talk I'll be giving at HackaDay's SuperCon in November.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but SHE BON was a finalist in the Human-computer Interface Challenge, which means I'm also a finalist for the HackaDay Prize. O_o This is quite exciting news.

In spite of giving a talk at SuperCon every year, I've never actually submitted anything to the contest it celebrates. I'm extremely excited to be doing so with the content that's taking up my head space right now- I'm just not entirely sure how it will be received by others (particularly a panel of judges- hacker/maker judges).

Until the judging period begins on October 22nd, I'll try to press out as much content as possible. Like.... a deluge of things based on my progress.

the popGIRL 

Right now that's the arm-mounted user interface for that heart backpack (the core system). The thing I'm designing is definitely inspired by the pipBoy from FallOut (although I've never played the game), but it's my own spin on it; a somewhat ray-punkie minimalist container for a touchscreen which will visualize the data received from all the various sensors I hook up to my body. :)

It's basically a Fitbit for my arousal... 

I feel really bad about not streaming lately. I fell out of my stride because of an influx of due-dates and side projects. I'll try to find a point to get back on the horse soon though.

Until then, within the next couple of days (once I'm done printing parts and such) I'll post a build update on the "popGIRL". Instructions on how to print and assemble your own will follow- so if you have a need or a desire for your own sexy arm interface, you're in luck!

I've been posting updates on my hackaday.io page for SHE BON. I'll post links to them here on Patreon, and as always... the video content will end up on my channel too.


I'm going to glue motors to my butt sometime this week. Serious. I'm making a winch belt that will lift and separate my cheeks (hopefully). If you haven't seen the video update, check it out! In tandem with the popGIRL, I also hope to finish out the HOT SPOT peripheral for SHE BON as well.

I send my best! Be sure to get some October 1st donuts if you haven't yet. And yes, you still can even though it isn't oct 1st anymore... =P 




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