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I had a lovely package delivered from China on Friday evening; the new circuit boards for my latest project and product that I'll be adding to my line on Tindie, the "Anthropomorph-EYES"!

As I mentioned, I'm trying to create another revenue stream for myself by offering the circuit boards I've designed from some of my past projects on Tindie.  Part of this endeavor involves creating instructions so that someone at home can replicate one of my designs, needing only a 3D printer to produce the parts, some misc common hardware, and of course... the appropriate PCB. :)

The Anthropomorph-EYES are the same circuit boards I designed for my "Eye of Toast" project, a build from two years ago where I created a real life version of the sarcastic toaster from my webcomic, GravityRoad.

 the Eyes can be found here! 

Check em out and spread the word to anyone you know who also makes friends with inanimate objects and might love a pair of programmable expressive light eyes for their favorite piece of household tech ;)



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