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Things have been shipped! Deadlines have been met! Stuff has been applied for! I can now go back to the finer things in life...

...Like playing with this box of shiny new sensors. I bought three different kinds, for three separate projects that I'll be taking on this spring:

  • One involves the control of Flower 2.0 (which is something that got shelved almost two years ago now >.<)
  • The second has to do with the production of a special avian mask... which means I'll be returning to the sacred process of casting my own face and getting petroleum jelly all up in my hairs...
  • The third project has to do with sensing and indicating intimate bodily responses.

In addition to tech-art, I will be painting that portrait in oil of me and my kid... and of course, continuing with the weekly publication of GravityRoad.

Thank you for staying tuned during my interlude <3

Love and stuff!

-Sarah + Noodle



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